Parte sin título 13

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One day, Clark entered the watchtower patting Bruce on the shoulder while he threw a newspaper with the news that the Red Force, as the Outlaws were called, had dismantled the misibles of the armed conflict in Syria, exposing the corrupt diplomats who fueled the fires of the place by selling weapons to terrorists "You must be proud, this will be his last job in a while, I think your boy do his best again."

Batman looked at the newspaper, felt his chest swell with pride "How is he?" he sighed heavily.

"He looks good, a little exhausted. Fortunately Diana told me Jason find a cousin and grandfather Sokolov and they are helping him in case he has a relapse." Clark took a sip of his water, "more than he ever needs now from the family. It's good to know they finally met."

"Clark is my son." Clark looked curiously at Bruce noticing the change in his heartbeat.

"I know, you adopted him, but this isn't a problem that the non-consanguineous family can fix if required." Clark knew nothing of the bat drama, only that Diana had seen Jason leave a hospital in Moscow with an old man, and a young woman whom he introduced as his relatives. Diana almost fainted when she watched Jason go carried In a wheelchair, Jason noticed her face and reassured her, spinal damage caused by past combats, should be stay a few months in rest before returning to vigilantism, for the momento his job as a writer will keep him busy, so Diana became fervent buyer of JP Sokolov. When she commented to Bruce the new work of Jason like writer, she did not want to mention the tears she saw trickle from the man behind the mask.

"He should be there, he should have turned to me, I'm his father!" he hate not being able to run to his lost son, hold him and bring back to the home where he belonged, where he always belonged.

"Sorry, I didn't know, and I thought you were aware of Jason's situation." Clark apologized, "You can't help him with stem cell transplants though."

"That's the problem Clark" Bruce hit the table", the problem is I can, but my presence would only harm his recovery." Batman stood up.

"Bruce, it's bone marrow, you need to be a close relative for the treatment to be successful, at least in Jason's case and you don't even know if you're a match or not." Clark tried to reassure him without understanding the controlling insistence of his friend.

Batman stayed still with his back turned "I'm compatible, I know, I did the tests because his father and I do not mean adoption, he is my biological son like Damian."

Superman who had forgotten how to make his super lungs work to breathe. "What?" he asked in a high-pitched voice, "B..but how?"

"Years ago I had an affair with Natasha Sokolov, my first love" acknowledged Bruce. "She was as elegant like as defiant, wild, whit eyes sometimes blue, sometimes green depending on what she wore. Beautiful, free spirited." Bruce went back to that time buried in memory of him. "One day something changed in her, she suggested an engagement, I was not ready. Batman was not, everything was complicated and I stopped frequenting her." Bruce took off his hood. "After a few months she was found dead, a clandestine abortion, they said. I did not want to investigate further for fear that this child was mine." Bruce held onto the seat.

Clark could see the naked pain in Bruce's eyes. "I'm so sorry Bruce, but It is not your responsibility, she preferred to hide it from you"

"No, Clark, it was when he decided to avoid her without explanation. it was when he decided to go out with another woman to break her heart, because I didn't have the will to finish it. I thought he would only put her in danger and loved her too much to expose her. She will always hurt. Always was her, always she was the only one." Bruce's shoulders were shaking. "If I hadn't been a coward, if I had investigated more when I returned to Gotham, then I would have known the gift she left me, Jason, it was that gift.. I was so young and stupid."

Clark hesitated but eventually managed to hug his friend who was so heartbroken that he allowed himself to sink into the comfort offered. Now he understood why Jason was much more cautious with Clark, because he conditioned his visits under strict confidentiality. Stupid Clark, he just thought it was a temporary fight like so many, then he thought it was because he didn't want to worry the bats with his condition.

Clark was determined to find a way for father and son to become close again. They both deserved to have another opportunity. Clark couldn't imagine how ruined he would be if he had to go through the same thing as Bruce.

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