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Damian felt ice on his body, the now young man who boasted of the weight of blood on the others. Damian was the blood son, the heir by birth, the firstborn. From him Jason was the family's mistake, Jason did not belong there now was his half brother. Jason had been his brother ago time, before the Bats, in times of the league, in a time Damian was very young, and Jason abandonment him and hurt so bad that Damian never made the effort to remind Jason of that time, when Jason was catatonic. Now he could understand the strange bond that he refused to see. The three of them, father and sons, they had the flaw of anger, only Jason dealt with an abusive family in his past, then his murder and the well that made the exact formula for a perfect storm. They shared a love of culture, obsessive in vigilance, cunning, tactical, thorny on the outside with a soft core that made them protect the weakest. Damian had a sickly hoarding of pets, however Jason loved dogs without the need to hoard them like Damian with animals and Bruce hoarding children, Jason with the books. The same chiseled jaw, height, broad shoulders and strong muscles was Bruce's genetics otherwise, the smaller waist, the eyes, the arch of the brow was surely coming from the maternal side as well as the sarcasm and intelligent comments.

 Damian thought "No, it can't be real." he moaned the boy at the same time as the butler said "Oh my word, my lost boy!"

"This is a trick, is wrong, confirm it again, I demand." Damian was on the verge of tears, his face redder than santa clause in a Christmas party, but Damian's was anger and hurt.

Bruce looked stunned at his son with glassy eyes, trembling fists and red face of anger, dried his eyes. Bruce close to Damian and put gently his hands in Damian's arms "Damian, son. There two tests who confirm it, and Jason's actitud eraser his DNA, confirm he know this and hide every trace that could lead us to verify the information." Damian could stay any more. why Jason doesn't want belong to they? he knows Jason want be reconoce like son, fight for this, he come back to the family one and other time and now when he have the opportunity to be part of legacy didn't he want it anymore? Damian denied with his head 

"Damian you don't understand, he didn't want us to find out" Bruce looking for someone, immediately Batman put in alert "... Kate? where is Kate?" Everyone looked with their eyes but the woman did not appreciate "Find her, if Jason finds out he will disappear again."

Dick run like hell to the vehicle area, when he come back scream "her bike is not more in the cave" he look at Bruce, "what's wrong with you? you pushed him into this, you took them away from us and now he's sick, maybe serious with no one to turn to, just because of your DAMN BLAME." Dick's eyes itched, his fists clenched, internally he knew he was also responsible, guilty for surrendering with Jason, for not asking anymore what was going on.

"Shit, shit." Barbara looking for in the camaras screen "WAIT" she run the video, turn up the sound when Batwoman was in the call.

"Ma Gunn's place" growl "move, NOW!"

The batclan quickly mobilizes to vehicles, within minutes reaches Ma Gunn's house."Close the perimeter" Batman ordered, the family moved blocking entrances and exits of the place, as always perfectly organized. Batman and Nightwing entered through one window, Drake through and Catwoman another. Batman felt his stomach drop when he opened a completely empty closet "check all the rooms."

Everything is empty, almos, Drake handed out to Bruce a little note.

How many times am I going to tell you that you won.

Just stop looking for me.

First warning


didn't take much to know what he meant

"He's gone." Drake pat his shoulder, Batman look around and crinkle the note, this was not the end, he promised himself. 

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