Parte sin título 20

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"Beware of feeding with the praises that feed and overflow the ego. Today they can decorate with a olive crown in your forehead, and tomorrow spit in your face the mistakes past and present. Alliances formed in a heat stroke never last when winter comes freezing the weak ties for a moment. "He reviewed his mind as he walked slowly down an alley with the black hood hiding his face, hunched over to hide his height and his hands in his pockets from those stolen sweats.

He felt his skin crawl as a familiar sensation washed over him. Avoid looking up, he berated himself at the need. "Shit" he said aloud when he saw Nightwing, Spoiler and Signal descending a few steps in front of him, he turned abruptly to the right down a narrow street hoping he had passed unnoticed, he needed to arrive with his companions and hoped that the ship would be where they had landed.

Jason moved as fast as his body allowed to take the next route to the left down another narrow street, just to meet a very angry Drake. Tim was taller than Jason remembered, Tim was with his arms crossed on his chest, he had gained muscle but he was still the skinny bird of the family. Next to Tim was Black Bat with a cynical smile of "Hey, you're screwed, catch you!"

Jason slightly turned his head towards his next exit to find a Batwing blocking his escape, tense in defense position in case Jason tried to escape. Jason backing away determined to turn and sprint where he came from. He did so, the problem was that he crashed into the stupid black bat stamped on Batman's chest that had Batgirl aside.

Jason managed to dodge Bruce's hands, Jason barely managed to lift the line of him that he hooked firmly, the pull took almost all the air out of him, his feet barely came off the floor when he was tackled by a pair of family strong arms.

"What the hell? Get off me," Hood gasped as he pushed Batman out of him. Batman was immediately incorporated fearing that he had made a mistake that could cause more damage to Jason.

Once they were both upright and Jason completely covered with no option to escape, he did his best. Spit with bitter poison, "This is not Gotham, your stupid laws don't apply here. Shit, you're not even in USA!" his body was tense, adrenaline pounding in his veins and his well pounding, his entire body ready for the fight.

"Jason we must talk" the bat barely opened its mouth when Jason growled again.

"Those deaths were controlled, I was working for the French army, an ally of the United States, the 300 deaths of terrorists were better than the 5760 innocent civilians, among them children, women and the elderly, all of them gathered in the Place de la Concorde" Bruce swallowed Given the information, it was not strange that his son had reptilian blood when it came to defending innocents, he would always do what was necessary, he did not like the information, however there was an institution supporting it. But what hurt him the most is not knowing it, so many years apart from each other.

"It's not that" answered Batman losing patience, why in the name of the most sacred they always ended up engaging in a verbal or fist argument?

"What do you want? I don't even work in the country, you've a whole fucking ocean of distance" Jason spread his arms to emphasize the distance ", I barely crossed the Atlantic and you can't wait to harass me" Jason looked at his flanks without lose none of sight, every pore of his skin screamed danger like a wounded and cornered animal "What are you accusing me of now?"

Bruce had to act fast, a stressed Jason, was a Jason on the run without caring how much he might hurt himself in the process, "I DO NOT ACCUSE YOU OF ANYTHING!" Screams Batman in despair, why his son could not be so antagonistic once in his fucking life and close that damn mouth to allow him to express himself? it was already difficult, find the right words so that his son would not reject him with a kick in his ass "for the love of god, Jason. I'm not accusing you of anything, I want to talk, I wished you come home with us." Batman sighed, the fate was relentless in ascribing to his children, especially the biological ones, the power to get him out of their minds with little effort.

Jason laughed incredulously "One day you hate me, the next you need me. Are you sick? we have too many problems in this fucking relationship, and the answer is NOO!" releasing the negative with a bitter laugh.

"Jason, I know everything" Batman took a step towards the boy.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about and I'm not interested" Jason shifted uncomfortably, he was about to panic, he straightened completely starting to move but the fucking birds were closer now.

"You're my son, you can't just leave like we are nothing. I can't do it, you are my Jay, my first son." Batman closed the distance between the two by punching out the words before Jason could evade the situation.

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