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"she told me that you were not my son and that she was not your mother, that you were the result of a bad surgery that he did to a woman in a clandestine office, she said Natasha Sokolov was real name of your really mother" Jason opened the eyes wide, his skin turned pale, the blood freeze and he stopped breathing "yes Jason, Natasha Sokolov the Russian model famous for her beauty who disappeared for months before finding her dead buried in a park at the outskirts of Gotham" Jason felt dizzy, he had to put both hands on the table, need controlled his breathing ", apparently when she settled in Gotham she had a clandestine affair with someone important, but she couldn't let anyone know of the pregnancy at that time that would have been a terrible scandal, so she come to your mother."

"You corroborated the information" Jason hated how his voice was heard, weak and trembling.

"No, because I'm not interested, that woman was a harpy, she wanted I open the envelope and blackmail the man that according to Sheila said he was your father." Willis clenched his fists "I loved her and cheated on me, I don't know how much is true in the letter, or not, but at that time I couldn't avoid feel rage for lying to me, for her betrayal and I took out on you." Willis's eyes filled with tears "I'm sorry son I was an idiot."

Jason jumped up from the seat causing the chair to crash to the floor and start screaming "DON'T CALL ME LIKE THIS, I AM NOT YOUR SON, NOT BIOLOGICAL, OR IN ANY OTHER WAY, you disgust me."

Jason feel his whole body trembled, he clenched the papers in a fist, hate the way his tears escaped from his eyes without permission. He couldn't breath, felt that there was no air in the room, couldn't take it anymore and he had to leave the place, he didn't realize that Willis was screaming behind him, he did not know how much he ran until the tears clouded his vision and fell face first onto the pavement without being able to get up, he had to curl up in the middle of the dark alley allowing himself to cry, otherwise he couldn't even breathe, he was nobody's son, he didn't belong to anything, anyone, for the first time after a long time when his mother Catherine died he had never felt so lost, alone and vulnerable. They seized the opportunity from him to maybe find his real father, maybe a relative, someone who needed him and that he might need. Deceived, sold, brutalized, abused, murdered, rejected, it was all that life offered him.

Everything hurt, his heart, his lungs, his throat began to burn, maybe because he had inadvertently screamed at some point, he wanted to get up, get out of there, go home, but his legs were trembling and his body was not responding. He didn't know how long he was curled up on himself until before he could get up and go home. When Jason could go home he opened the door, felt so exhausted that he slept for a whole day and one night, for weeks he was in zombie mode, hardly ate, hardly spoke to his companions, it was until a month after he opened the envelope with trembled hands.

When Jason decided to review the letter, perhaps with a little hope that his life would change, perhaps someone in the vast world could accept it, save him. He read every word, his eyes widened, bile hit his throat, he threw the paper away, the chair fell behind him, he opened the bathroom door and he vomited. When he calmed down a scream escaped from his throat, he hit, he threw everything he could around him, when he finished he slid down the cold tiles of the bathroom and cried, he cried as he had when his mother died while muttering "It's no posible... it's true, please don't...this is false, please don't be true, heaven help me." screem from his lungs.

Everything fell apart, his only salvation was an illusion, he could not ask to save him, he would deny it because he is not someone else, because he is just Jason, a street rat.

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