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It was a pity that nobody understood how Jason fought tooth and nail against the effects of the pit during, very late he realized that everything was circumstantial, Jason never killed the time shared with the bats, not when Batman put him to the test, and what he get? the boy received the beating of his life, not even was a tenth part of hard with Damian when he had the death of Brother Blood, or with the secret prison. Damian kept pointing out Jason as a mistake, someone who didn't deserve to be in the family when Damian himself knew the effects from the pit. Those boys, both Damian and Jason shared the fury in the battle.

The similarities of Damian and Jason are incredible in terms of temperament, intelligence, strength and arrogance, the difference is that Damian was much more arrogant than Jason and Jason much more emotional than Damian. Jason was so hungry for love hidden under the shadow of mistrust, anger, and twisted humor.

Batman always excused Damian's behavior for the violent life led before coming to him, a boy trained to be a methodical killer, Talia's demands to be the best, but there was pride in her regarding Damian, a sick love, but in the end love, Talia and Ra's took care of Damian like a prince, like the heir, they demanded but the boy was protected and that was enough for Batman to give him a free pass in behaviors.

Damian attacked Tim not because he was traumatized and intoxicated with the of Lazaro's pit, it was because he could not allow an unworthy rival. Jason felt forgotten betrayed by the man I love as a father, he was manipulated, bent, and trained to be a killing machine by the Al Ghul without the privileges that Demian had. Now that he thought about it, how Jason could not react so violently with all that burden. Jason was also a child too when he was taken by Talia who trained and manipulated him, a child involved in heartbreak, carelessness, and violence, broken by a psychopath, and most painfully betrayed by a mother who despite everything he tried to save. If he had known Jason was his son, flesh of his flesh, would he have acted differently? Batman knew the answer, he lived it with Damian when die, it was such his desperation that he passed over all his children, and retraumatized Jason when he took him to the place where he was killed.

Maybe Bruce knew deep down inside that that child belonged to him, when Bruce took Jason always saw him like a son more than a pupil unlike the other boys except for Damian, this was until he came back from the dead. It hurt Bruce, look at Jason again, to remember that broken little boy in his arms, that he had crawled out of his grave, and without knowing what was happening around him. Not only did he grow up without Bruce, Jason was also taken by his enemy once again to bend him to his will. Every time he looked at Jason, remembered where he had failed and that hurt, part of Bruce wanted Jason off the battlefield, safe in a place where he would not die again. another part of Bruce hated the way Jason came back bloodthirsty.

Bruce couldn't love Jason when came back, not like in the past, not when Bruce mistrusted, not when Jason risked more than any of his children. Because if Bruce did and Jason died or back to being a killer, then Bruce couldn't come back anymore, he couldn't get up again. Then Bruce decided to be cautious in his love, also as a precaution and control, Bruce refused to give Jason legally alive status. He couldn't compromise as Bruce Wayne, not when the boy swayed between light and dark, not when Jason was like a wild animal hard to control. What he didn't count on was Jason's determination to challenge his authority one more time, so one day Jason thought it would be great not only to return to Gotham after being exiled, but it was also announce his return from the dead before Vicky Vale's cameras without caring the consequences.

Bastard, boy did you make your move. Bruce couldn't help but smile and feel a kind of unhealthy pride even though his son was a pain in the ass in his continual transgressions towards himself.

Years had passed since their last meeting, a knock on the batmobile snapped him out of his thoughts, the strange sight nearly made her heart stop. A boy in a yellow cape beckon, a little boy yelled at him and then disappeared in the opposite direction.

Batman immediately got out of the Batmobile, the alley was very narrow, Batman ran where the little boy disappeared, with his heart in his throat turned down the alley "I must be hallucinating" think. A boy all dressed as Robin, but not just any Robin, the suit was similar to the one Jason used in his time as a robin for what he can see, the suit was torn, torn as when he took it out of that warehouse in Ethiopia, the terror seized of Batman. He followed where the little boy disappeared, going out to a lighted street, he observed that the crowd gathered in a store , a lady yelled "Call the police, an ambulance!"

Batman brushed the small apparition aside shaking with nostalgia and worst fears, it was as Jason's ghost couldn't leave Gotham and protect the citizenry. In this case the suspicions of the possible second death of Jason would be feasible. "NO!" Batman shook that idea from his head, he went into bat mode, apparently the apparition had taken him directly to the place of a robbery, Batman quickly attended to the injured man, unfortunately the thieves had already fled the place and there was not much to do however when the police arrived with the ambulance, Batman decided to look around the streets in search of the robbers.

Batman communicated with the patrolling family, one by one they gave their reports, most of them were already in the cave, luckily, the city was in calm. Well, that's what the bat thought, his heart jumped again when found the little boy walking apparently aimlessly, the suit was torn, apparently there was blood in some parts, Batman got out of the car.

"Robin wait!" Batman shouted. The little boy turned and looked at Batman curiously, the navy blue shone in one of his eyes where the mask was broken "What's up Batman" Robin answered with naturally.

"Jason" murmured Batman

"That's my name, don't waste it" replied the irreverent boy, Batman took him by the arms checking him, it was totally Jason.

Bruce's heart did not stop beating strongly, in front of him he had his son again, his firstborn, a ghost or a third miracle.

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