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A few minutes later at the clinic.

"Sorry Batman, I can't tell you, it's confidential" Leslie refused to answer the question.

"Leslie I need to know what's goin on." Batman asked gently, he knew that the woman was not intimidated by his presence, besides Alfred, Leslie were the only people who challenged him when he did not heal a wound ", at least tell me if he gave you something, a cup or If he was hurt."

"What the heck is in that mysterious cup that is causing such a stir amongst you?" she replied with annoyance

"That cup was mine" replied Bruce, he could see how Leslie's eyes widened, losing a bit of color on her cheeks.

"Dam" Leslie muttered, then shook her head ", sorry Batman is confidential between me and my patient."

"Leslie, what you're not telling me? why did he give you the cup?" Batman took the doctor's arm, she shook it immediately ", Leslie if someone is using my DNA for something not cute, clone me or it falls into the wrong hands."

"BRUCE!" grunted annoyed "go and ask him, the only thing I can assure you, no one is duplicating anything from anyone, now if you don't mind I have patients to attend to." Leslie left the office, Batman had more questions than answers and no one gave them, but maybe there was someone, he just hoped it was just a trick.

Three years ago.

There were screams, punches some in the face, others on the wall. The confusion of his emotions overwhelmed him, the man in front of him apologized again and again, swore that he loved him.

"Then just answer me WHY? JUST TELL ME WHY? YOU FUCKED, MOTHER, WHY FUCKED WITH ME?" Jason yelled at everything his voice gave.

"You hit us again and again every time you got home drunk." Jason's fists trembled "if it wasn't for the pit I show you the reminders your damn failed fatherhood."

"I WAS AN IDIOT, JASON! I'm sorry" Willis groaned "I loved you, I loved her, just that those jobs, the tension, the alcohol, sometimes the drugs, the anger."

"Yes of course, the anger for having to pay the hospital bills when I was sick, the anger for having addict woman who adopted me as her son when I don't even belong her" Jason hissed with glassy eyes, Willis went pale and looked up in shock "What's up old man? I discovered your dirty secret, that secret that literally killed me when I went to look for my mother, the biological mother."

"That bitch was not your mother." Willis growled and immediately regretted those words, his eyes widened and he covered her mouth, in an attempt to fix the mistake he added "was Catherine she was your mother, no that woman."

"What are you hiding from me?" Jason close his eyes with suspicious, grabbed him by the collar of his shirt "STOP LIE TO ME FOR A FUCKED MOMENT, IF YOU EVER LOVED ME, IF YOU ARE REALLY REGRET AS YOU SAY, THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE" Jason shook Willis again before releasing him. "Jason, listen, it was my mistake, my stupid mistake, but it doesn't change that you are my son, I was wrong and I realized how much I loved you, love your mother when it was too late." Willis said defeated with tears in his eyes.

"I'm not interested, TALK FOR A DAMN ONCE." Jason growled again with a hard cold expression in his face.

"We need go to my place, I have to give you something at home" Willis looked at the floor and swallowed after his words, he knew that with that he would lose Jason forever, but if he didn't, he would lose him anyway. Once they entered the place, Willis produced a sealed envelope that he never opened.

Jason waited for answers sitting impatiently moving his knee, WIllis sat in front of him "Jason, son, Sheila and I, well I can tell you, she was something unreachable and I was dazzled, I loved her without knowing her really." Jason clenched his jaws listening Every word from his biological father ", she was a client, not as routine as Catherine, we had our meetings as I wrote in the letter, only that I altered the truth a little, I did not want to cause you more pain than you were going through."

"Old man you have no fucking idea of the pain is, of what happens before and after the streets, so don't give me shit or more lies." Jason growled.

"Okay, I will tell you everything, this time it will be the whole truth of what I know, the rest will depend on you" said Willis, at that moment he felt his stomach churn, Jason fell the destiny was going to give him more reason to be unhappy However, he needed to know once and for all the truth, this was her right "Sheila disappeared after a while without giving an explanation, I think she got bored with me. Then I met Catherine and married her when she got pregnant."

"Fuck old man, you couldn't keep your worm in your pants, there's a thing called a condom." Jason sighed running his hand through his hair.

"I was young and irresponsible, I know." Willis apologized.

"I'm not interested, go to the point." Jason interrupted impatiently.

Willis continued "Catherine lost the baby, for due to the lack and a bad surgery she became sterile, we resigned to don't have babies, but a year later Sheila came with you in her arms, she told me that you was mine, but she couldn't keep you, so she was either taking you to orphanage or she would look for where to give you away and I..I couldn't allow that, so I took you and took you at home, she never told me you were sick. I had to find out for myself and you know the rest, I named you as my father, I registered you as mine and give as a mother Sheila, but then I regretted and look for someone to change the record so that your mother was Catherine." Willis swallowed and passed a hand on his face ", what you don't know is years later, Sheila sent me this envelope with this letter." WIllis gave her the envelope and the open letter, Jason took them and unfolded the paper where his biological mother explained the content of the letter.

"In there she told me that you weren't my son and that she wasn't your mother, that you were the result of a bad surgery that she did to a woman in a clandestine office, Natasha Sokolov said that her name was your real mother." Jason opened the eyes wide, her skin turned pale, he felt his blood freeze and she stopped breathing.

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