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Batwoman took advantage of the commotion that was inside the cave for ran to her motorcycle, got on it, took out her phone "You were right, they already know ... wait, wait tell me where we meet? for the moment I'm on my way with Ma Gunn ...... don't come to me with that, you need me, you need someone to take care of you in the last phase ... and if you need another transplant? ....." Kate cleared her throat, she looked excited "Me too, take care nephew" she started the motorcycle and left the place squealing tires.

Jason picked up his phone AK is in the screen , bit his lip "Hey Aunt, what news do you have for me?" Jason ran his gaze where his companions were ready, his children, Artemis, Bizarro, nana Feya and Willis "damn! I have to move from here." He felt the bats breathing on his neck "Kate you have already done too much." he smiled, looked again at everyone ready to move the barracks, Baby had already done the construction plans for new place. Since they knew the convalescence of their teacher Hood, DNA, Doom along with their second leader Artemis they made new plans, purchase and conditioning of the two chosen places off the radar of any layer.

Doom and Bizarro to make the necessary renovations, Devor also helped with the remodeling and transportation of materials, with the indications of Baby in Arms put together the necessary tools "Kate, aunt, thanks for everything , you have given me more than necessary." Jason looked at the cooler where the last remnants of Kate's stem cells were "I have it, don't worry, there are stem cells, I get nanny's Feya and Willis, I would be a hypocrite if I don't give he a second chance, I have my team." Jason close his eyes "Just thanks again, for being there, for being my sexy, ginger, hot aunt and giving me a new life. You have me, understand, when all this is over, you have me, I'll be there if you need me. I love you."

Jason hung up, looked at his group, Artemis smile him with a sweet smile "time to go, Devor do us the honors."

Devor nodded "As you command, professor" opened the portal, one by one they moved inside.Jason, took his suitcase, before entering left a note on the table in the kitchen of Ma Gunn. I look at the portal and smile and enter.

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