Parte sin título 19

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Hello, it has been a terribly difficult chapter due to the translation, I hope you do not find many errors, and do let me know, uuf

Well, I hope you like it.

"Not one more step Batman," Artemis warned.

"Aaaaaah!" There was a gasp, the body leaned forward and then collapsed.

Artemis froze as she watched Jason's chest rise and fall slowly.

Jason was alive!

It was all insane, Damian yelling at the paramedics for their ineptitude. The medical team moved quickly, Jason was transfer to another stretcher in a seconds, it was a necessary move as Batman and his companions damaged her a bit during their fight to resurrect the patient.

Bruce couldn't take his eyes off Jason's back when they picked him up. The silver line that ran down his spine, the scar from the surgery where Bruce must have been as a donor or to hold the hand of his own son. Double guilt, his son would always hurt him, even without knowing he belonged.

Hurt when Bruce saw the little scrawny boy who stole his tires living alone, and god knows what horrors the boy had gone through in the streets. Hurt in every sign of abuse Buce found in the little one, hurt when his son left the home in search of a mother. Jason's death as a resurrection almost debased him.

Bruce took a few steps towards Jason, but a nurse got in the way. "I'm sorry sir, he should go to intensive care. Just for the family and that's when we can give him access."

"I'm his father of him. His biological father of him." He said in a firm voice. He didn't care about the judgments that people could make once it was known. Batman the father of Red Hood, the antihero, the criminal with Batman's free pass, the bat with bloody hands. Others like persons for Crime Alley, the Narrows and the most dangerous neighborhoods would see Batman as like a horrible Red Hood's father, Red Hood the abandoned son, the hero that the bats would deny, the one who they threw from Gotham to leaving on his own fate. Nothing doesn't really matters anymore.

Batman decided to go to the waiting room, his children withdrew to help people, there was too much destruction. This time, for the first time Batman refused to join them. What kind of hero did he pretend to be? if he couldn't save his own son? not in Ethiopia, not when he was sick and not now.

Batman moment reminded him of the disappointment he had been as a father to Jason when he was forced to call Kate for help with his son's medical history, things he was unaware, such as the treatment he might be taking, the dates of the surgery, the new health conditions.

Exhausted, Bruce plunged into his thoughts, there was too much disagreement bathed in juxtaposition. the son who should have embrace and protect from the cruelty of the world, his precious little book-devourer, the boy who love the school hungry for both knowledge and affection. How did he allow his son to live so harshly? He must have known there was something about the little one when Bruce fell in love with Jason for the way he needed a father and Jason loved Bruce for the way he treated him like a son. But then he made one of the worst decisions.

Bruce must have suspected that things would not work out the same way as with Dick. Damn! he keep Jason's secret, buried it deep inside, walling it off with firm walls, a secret they never spoke of again and they should have. Because he wasn't sure if Jason housed much more than he was told him, keeping horrible events closed with a locked key. Bruce never shared the secret with anyone. It was a matter of trust in the face of a Jason's confession witch made after waking up from a bad dream.

That night Bruce approached a restless Jason asleep on the couch. Obviously the boy was in the middle of a bad dream. What Bruce did not count was the punch to the eye along with a terrified cry "Don't touch me pig!"

Jason terrified with the fear of being kicked out, he handed over a painful secret piece of his past.

It was one night of so many when Jason lived on the streets, his little body was ripped from the little cardboard box where he hid and snuggled on cold nights. A helpless child, five men, and no one to listen to his pleas. If it hadn't been for Nancy and her friends who came armed with with sticks and knives, if the girls would have arrived a minute later then Jason would have been one more statistic.

Ripped clothes, bruises on his face, chest, hips, thighs and completely traumatized, was the result.

"The poor kid only had a week on the streets," Nancy said to Batman leaning against the wall, once she trusted in Batman because promised he only want help the boy and gave a wad of money in compensation for clients who might be losing that night. "He's smart, but the streets are hard and always are wretches looking for little abandoned boys or gossipers who for a wad of a few dollars sell information."

Then Bruce thought would be good to take a little child who had lived in violence in more than one way and throw him out on the streets ro fight with a caped costume, when that child needed was stability, recover from all violence he was living, the boy didn't need to be immersing him in more of the same.

Bruce felt shame, anger when Jason returned as a murderer from the grave. Bruce had forged a weapon with which now people's lives were taken away, the weapon to form a criminal empire. Batman had gifted Gotham with a monster that he molded with his own hands.

Even Batman acknowledged Red Hood's methods to control crime were effective, he refused to give Jason a chance as a father and only looked at a madman using the old Joker's alias.

His was the fault, he was the mistake. No Jason, his boy was just trying to get back what had been stolen from him. He wondered, If he had known the truth, would he be done all in different way?

He cursed for all the times that he has been about to lose him forever, he cursed his stupidity to solve the problems. If maybe, if only maybe he had told him the truth when Jason returned from the grave, maybe things would have been different.

"Batman" a nurse called him. Bruce jumped to his feet with a pounding heart. The woman smiled discreetly "Good news, somehow her son is recovering with surprising speed. However, we would like to keep him under observation until he regains consciousness."

It was good news, of course it was, but at that moment Bruce all he wanted was to see his son "Is it possible to see him now?" she asked in a monotonous voice and with full control of his emotions.

"Of course, follow me." said the woman who brought him into intensive care "second door," the nurse said. Batman opened the door "Excuse me, no one is here." fortunately, the nurse was still far away.

"Sorry?" The woman peeked out, for a moment she was livid "Damn" she murmured before running and triggering an alarm "We have a missing patient". she screamed.

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