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The Outlaws or Krasnaya yarost' as the Russian was called the Red Fury, Jason's team were actively working, The problem arose when mysteriously Jason had not been with them for three years ago. When the family found Red Hood's absence among them very strange, there was no news of Red Hood or Jason, and if the accounts did not fail this had been almost three years, they panicked, the batclan tried to track him down, but there were no answers from his whereabouts. They gave up due to the lack of response from the Outlaws and Diana. Superman himself was not able to find Jason, it was as if the earth had swallowed him. Bruce was the most affected by Jason's disappearance, for months he hardly slept, looking for his son, in need-to-know Jason was safe or ate until Selena talked some sense into him. He now had a little daughter who needed him.

It was Halloween night, and this date always used to attract the crazy people in disguise, criminals new and old used to show up to haunt its poor citizens. These activities always make the batclan patrolled, and of course, Batman led the patrol.

As the Batmobile moved through the dark streets, Batman had an idea rolling over and over in his head. Where was Jason? How could he behave differently so that things would not be so bad to the point that he did not know anything about his firstborn? In his head he went over his mistakes, the way he treated Jason was different from the others, looking for an excuse for this act.

His mind went back to his first robin Dick, he was a child loved by his father, practically the child was already formed when he found him, the Grayson did a great job with Dick. Bruce just guided him differently, he loved Dick above all others because he was the one who gave birth to his life, peace, and security to him. The boy was so perfect that he exceeded Bruce's expectations.

Come to think of it, it wasn't Bruce who made the first Robin, Dick was who changed him to Batman for the better. Dick was very different from Jason. Dick was overwhelming brightness, used to see in black and white, just like his mentor. Jason had terrible darkness inside him, the boy was always able to go in and out of it giving the brightest light as well as the most terrible darkness for the bat's liking, which used to confuse him, the way Jason played with the grays something that no one understood. How could he have killed, putting the heads in a duffle bag, and sleeping like a baby? Jason never regretted that, his pain was from hurting his own during the madness of his resurrection and when he failed to protect the innocent at the cost of his soul.

Batman remembered how Dick was so innocent, positive, and immature. Jason despite a stolen childhood was always more mature and cruder in his point of view of life, about criminal life, and the punishment to be exercised on certain criminals. For a moment it buzzed in his mind, that maybe that's why the Joker kept playing with him, "Everyone knows that Batman doesn't kill" once said Robin-Jason, later a criminal would confirm it in an interrogation "sorry Batman to We fear you, but the Joker causes us terror, you can do what you want to me, but I will not betray him" the criminal preferred to be punished by Batman to betray the Joker.

Other differences jumped to his mind; Dick always was the grace. Jason the wild rudeness. Dick the beauty, Jason the manhood. Dick showed his heart to everyone, with Jason you had to be patient and dig, but the boy could surprise anyone like when he worked so hard on Thomas's watch to give to Bruce like a birthday present, it was months of work in Jason's little hands, but the work isn't done, when Jason returned angry, although things were bad between them Jason-Red Hood gave a painful stab to Batman's heart when in Bruce's birthday, Jason-Hood left the clock completely repaired after so many years wrapped in a small box.

Batman picked up the gift placed in the chest of the batmobile, unwrapped it, his heart sank when he saw that it was the watch. Batman looked up, looking for the boy who a few months ago had buried a batarang in his neck. But found no one, if only she had turned more to her right, he might have seen him crouching in the shadows on the roof. So it was, Jason the only one to give the greatest happiness and the most acute pain to the man.

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