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1 years 2 months ago

"It's good see you fine" says a nurse, Kate smiles, the nurse is really pretty, seeing the menu does not mean that you are going to eat this, right?

"Yes, thank you very much Nancy today I'm discharged, my girlfriend must be on the way." Kate studies the nurse's reaction, manages to see a little blush in her "I think I am not so indifferent" she thought to herself, Kate closed her suitcase "I would like to know if I can see my nephew."

"Oh!" the nurse smiled "of course Miss Kate follow me.", Kate took her bag and followed the nurse a few rooms "You have to put a suit, he's a little delicate, the first days are crucial." The nurse gave her the correct equipment for the visit, Kate put it on and was able to enter Jason's room. Seeing him so vulnerable Kate could not help but feel sorry for the young man, she approached Jason slowly, he looks pale, tired, lying on his side so as not to hurt the wound.

"Jay." whispers taking the boy's hand. Jason's eyes wide open lazily.

"K..te" gasps, swallows, takes a little air and smiles "Thank you." he says in a shaky voice "thanks, save my life." the boy's eyes are clouded.

"hush, calm down, don't start you're my nephew." Kate stroked Jason's face clearing his forehead from his ebony black hair.

"You .. saved me.. don't even know me. I don't how" it was the first time in the Jason's life has received selfless help, when Talia revived him it was with the aim of attracting Batman, but when she learned that the robin was replaced she changed her tactics to manipulate him, to break the dark knight.

When Jason was a child, after a while he thought maybe Bruce had helped him without any interest, to be beloved, but over time the comparisons to Grayson began, then despite the adoption Bruce once told him "I'm not your father and did not need tantrums of a teenager" that It hurt him, but he keeped hopes that were shattered when replaced him, finishing off with its commemorative showcase of the good soldier.

Ducra was her most important mentor but she wanted Jason to fulfill her All Castle goals, he love her, she always was her toughest mentor and they only have that relationship student-mentor.

Kate almost seemed to read what Jason thought "Don't even think about it Jason, you're a good person, with or without the blood involved." she said seriously "you deserve to be helped, do you understand? and I don't want you to insist on returning the favor.I'll come see you tomorrow. "she sealed the promise with a kiss on his nephew's forehead, it was strange to feel like that, and how curious they both shared some ways of proceeding in the face of injustice towards the weak.

Jason's eyes stung, he gave a stuttering sigh from inside his chest "it's more than someone called family has given me" gasp "this means a lot to me." suddenly felt exhausted

"Rest Jason, I'll come see you tomorrow." Kate assured.

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