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Red Robin throwed shuriken one after another burying them in the alien's body far from where Hood is. "We need shot the alien's body away from Hood. The alien's body sends his body mass where is the threat, but is unable to duplicate its mass. What it means

"When we took out superman, he moved the mass to where Hood is" Batman finished the sentence moving directly towards at the hole, took a rebreather and threw himself directly into the gelatinous mass.

Soon the attack changed to burying arrows, shurikens, even Superman and Bizarro who arrived just in time joined the plunge.

Thanks to All-Caste's training, Hood was able to withstand the slow step on the mass that his small propellant tanks gave him, but it was not that it was taking longer than calculated. Fortunately for Jason, something caused the alien stopped sending his jelly-like mass to Jason. Then was the perfect moment, Jason saw it. It wasn't a body, it was armor that protected the lanky body of the alien chief. Hood activated the weapon with the All-Blades, aimed and fired, felt the All-Blades drain him. "A little more" was repeated as the weakness reached his body, he could die and worse, empty his soul, leaving only the shell, totally empty; but that did not stop him until he managed to detach the head of the alien, knocking down the last shield of his internal armor.

At one point the gelatinous armor was scattered on the ground, the scales and eyes scattered all over the place and in the center lay the decapitated alien. Hood grabbed the chief's head, Bizarro joined Jason and pulled him out through the large hole in the mothership's roof. Hood roared raising his severed head and threw it into the center of battle. It was a chaotic moment for the alien soldiers reeling as if something in their head had been broken, they started running in all directions looking for their ships. From one moment to the next, the land was free of threats.

The military, heroes, villains, all on the battlefield roared victory, "Red, Red, Red Fury" shouted the foreign factions in different languages, others men were victorious over the JL or one of them in particular.

Some of News helicopters descended to the ground, the reporters ran as close to the ship lifting their microphones, others helicopters only descended a bit, while the reporters shouted to the cameras the victory over the invaders.

Jason raised his hand for silence, someone from the Soviet army threw a megaphone at him, which Bizarro took in the air and gave Jason "This victory belongs to humanity, it belongs to each of the men and women who are on this battlefield, belongs to those who gave their lives defending humanity. Children and young people who, risking their lives, collected information. Inventors, researchers who participated to devise a way to defeat those who threatened our annihilation. It belongs to every person that I keep hope. We could never have done it without teamwork, without the union of humanity. " The screams of victory had a moment to stop, the cheers shifting from joy to moans and cries of dismay as Jason staggered in free fall from he ceiling.

Bizarro moved faster than Superman to catch the exhausted Jason in a fatal fall. The last shot had consumed almost all of his energy, his body and soul were exhausted. The weapon crashed to the ground, the All-Blades disappeared, returning to their owner, but not before leaving a red blood and black ashes stain on the ground.

An American ambulance mobilized his men for the vigilante's attention, they removed his helmet but respected the domain, with the help of Artemis they removed the armor from the upper part of Hood's body, the parts had to be cut leaving it useless. He brought oxygen and a small heart monitor. "He is alive, but need urgent medical attention" one of the doctors reported.

Jason was transported into the ambulance, he started with a deployment of officers opening the way to the nearest hospital. Some heroes had arrived at the hospital when the communications were intervened, making they know where hospital Jason would be taken. For obvious reasons Batman was the first to arrive, only to watch in terror, when the ambulance where Jason was being transported unloaded a stretcher and covered body with a white sheet, "No," he gasped, pushing his way with the heart hammering. Not again, not her son, not when they hadn't settled their differences.

Jason felt peaceful, a comfort he didn't remember having in a long time. But it wasn't new "Boy!" someone hit the side of him.

Reluctantly, he opened her eyes with a groan. "Ducra, what the hell are you doing? The battle is over. Or do you just join us for the celebration?" Jason rubbed his head.

That earned him a blow to the head with the lovely old woman's cane. "When will you stop being reckless?" the old woman snorted, "always looking for her like a moth in the flame. You're a dead airhead, for the second time." Ducra waved her staff in front of Jason's face.

"Uh?" Jason offered as if that was the smart thing to say.

"Great, currently make more and more idiots of the chosen ones" Ducra muttered.

"Sorry Batman, you can't get close until death papers are completed." asked one of the paramedics.

Bruce didn't give a damn, he threw the paramedic aside, he carelessly tossed the sheet that covered his son's body and discovered Jason's lifeless body. The young man with the crooked smile, witty phrases capable of making you laugh or exasperate him, twice times full of live, now was completely cold and pale as winter snow when it fills the streets, parks and forests. No, his son is strong, he is a fighter.

Dick threw himself on Bruce "He's gone, Bruce. Jason's gone, there's nothing you can do." Dick begged.

Bruce didn't listen, he shook Nightwing with a strong shove leaving him on the ground. Bruce continued working to resurrect Jason's lifeless body.

"Hey, there's no need to be so degrading." Jason complained, walking weightlessly towards Ducra. Sigh. "I imagine this time it's final." The old woman looked at him with a scathing smile.

Jason frowned, something was wrong. Oh, shit! he felt hot, like his blood was literally boiling. "Ducra!" He raised his hand to his mentor with terrified eyes, his soul burned, the remains of the well howled, thousands of cursed souls that infected the green were dying. "Duucraaaa, help me!" Jason pleaded, dropping to his knees with his hands on his chest.

"Accept what you're. You should not have come that far, there is no turning back" the old woman informed him with a calm voice and calm look, it was as if nothing bad had happened.

Bruce was still kept giving Jason mouth-to-mouth breathing, almost giving up, until something warm felt in Jason's mouth. Clark's hands went to his shoulders, pulling him away from his son. "Nooo, he's lukewarm. I swear he's lukewarm" Batman gave a desperate cry stretching his arms towards his dead son. Bruce swore that he had felt warmth on his son's lips when he tried to resuscitate him, feeding his lungs with his own breath.

Jason looked down at his hands that were incandescent, his entire body burning like the damn human torch. Then he felt light, almost levitating, weightless, incorporeal.

"Batman, let him rest." Clark pleaded, but Artemis was more forceful and stepped between Batman and Jason's body, ax in hand.

"My grandson." a woman with brown hair and topaz blue eyes looked up at him. "I'm so proud of you. Forgive your father, he loves you."

"Martha" said in his mind "Thomas" the fire no longer burned him, the voices were gone from his head. But he surely he was hallucinating.

"You, Not one more step Batman." Artemis warned.

"Aaaaaah!" There was a gasp, the body leaned forward and then collapsed.

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