Parte sin título 23

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Jason stepped back, one hand resting on wall's red brick this wall was part of the access to the interior of the old building.

Jason couldn't breathe, the wound itched, his father had murdered him, his father killed him, the unpleasant gurgling in his throat as he drowned in his own blood, his father's boots of course a few inches, Jason would have stretched out his hand in supplication if he didn't have to hold back the blood gushing out of his neck. The truth fell like a bomb Perhaps Batman never deduced that he was dying and was just stay looking at him. Why? he didn't understand, Bruce had killed the Joker, what got out of his head was why Batman was so reactive when he came back? when he asked him to kill the Joker, and... maybe... he just wasn't worthy of it. to be loved.

"Sometimes I wonder if it is my breath is tarnish my own life" recording the poet Paula Sinos as his at that moment, feeling how the autolysis of his thoughts invaded him. He wished he had never come back again and again, Jason was an unwanted product, he was aborted the moment he was born by Natasha, a bargaining chip for Sheila, an unwanted child Bruce and Willis; so disgusting that death regurgitated him from her bowels, except for the time his body completely got rid of the pit and with it brought him a terrible cancer. but then why did he survive again? unless...he felt like he was going to get sick.

Bruce held up his hand, as Jason leaned forward pale as a sheet and hyperventilating to contain his nausea. "Jay, son"

Jay, Jaylad, friend, campion were words of endearment to a dead child, wrong words for the man he was now, he came back in snippets with bits missing and other messed up.

"Get out of me". Jason hit Bruce's hand frolicking in panic, unfortunately he was sandwiched between Bruce and the stupid wall.

"Why did you hate me so much?!! Why?!!" Why you killed me? he did not dare to shout it, but the question ran from the bottom of his soul. How many things would have been different, if he had known, if Bruce had really really loved him.

Bruce froze, but not for a moment he let his guard down if he couldn't get Jason home today, he never would again "I never did, I've always loved you... I..." he was stunned, too hurt, confused. How to find the words?

"You loved me so much that you chose my killer or his replacement over me." Jason scoffed. "And what a hell? Bruce. How many of those animals are running free in the streets? Why did you let me continue with my plan making me think I hadn't been avenged?" he hated the way his voice cracked. Jason punched the chest of his ex-mentor, his ex-father wanting to get him out of it, but Bruce stood his ground.

Bruce restrained him in a hug, but Jason started to squirm rejecting him "I didn't, Jay" How to fix the mess he had made? his mistake, this was his sin "everything was so confusing...I didn't know...You coming back as a cold-blooded killer." that seemed to enrage his boy more than he fought harder "My confession would only have caused more damage, it would only affirm your self-destructive behavior. Go down the path of the murderer without being able to stop you."

Jason stood still for a moment, Bruce took the opportunity to bring him close to his chest, he rested his cheek on his boy's head. "I spent sleepless nights in complete self-destruction, hating myself for leading you straight to your death. When you died I lost a lot, I lost you, my faith, my ability as a father to love without fear, everything had been ripped away from me. Sometimes I was scared me to become one of the monsters that I chased every night. Ashamed of the promise I broke to my parents."

Jason gave a stammering sigh, managing to free himself from Bruce's arms who slowly released him. "We don't doubt our own pain, but we don't understand the pain of others." sigh "And this has been our mutual sin."

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