Parte sin título 16

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The blows have knocked him down, the enemy aliens around him blocking his way, feels that everything stings and he still needs to take down the boss, Jason needs to save to arrive as whole as possible to be able to give the real battle. Screams echo in the place, human voices shouting orders and annoying screams from the invading aliens, help has come from heaven, Superman along with Bizarro make the entrance through the roof, someone else also enters a woman buries powerful claws that come out of her nails and knuckles destroying part of the metal when she slides.

Now Hood can take some breath, he runs to the front door taking advantage of the fact that there is support behind him, hot gusts open the way for him, the blue and red of the Kryptonians open the way for him, he can do it, he will reach the last battle for the earth.

The first thing Hood sees is that the reports from Australia were not wrong, the head of the alien's boss is not a pretty thing, a huge head with jaws on the sides, large claws on all four hands, that thing possibly measures three meters a tail with scales and a body full of eyes, an appearance between gelatinous with solid parts full of hard scale and in the center well protected the nervous and blood system where he should access.

Hood takes flight, the lines are nailed into the walls, drops out the lines once at the top and like diver arches his sword with outstretched arms. The boss's eyes look directly at the attacker, his scales change position, the boss's body changes forming a clawed hand. Shit! That was not expected, Hood points one of his weapons to the palm and shoots, the hand opens, the scales move towards the palm, Hood rests his foot on one of the monster's fingers and made a mortal not far from the newly appendix formed, the edge of the swords cuts the appendix with the scales and the eyes, a thick liquid with an unpleasant smell splashes the place. A blow landed on Hood's side, he lost sight of the alien's tail, the blow crashes him against one of the walls of the ship, the impact is painfully strong, unable to avoid a moan from his mouth before falling stunned from a height of four meters towards metal floor.

Thanks to the hole, a team of defenders had managed to enter, Superman and Bizarro opened gap so that the vigilantes without powers could access the control room of the mothership. Diana was on their heels, Starfire had already arrived at the place launching blasts of Fire Invaders as a distraction until one hits him and knocks him down.

"Starfire" Superman flew at high speed to avoid crashing to the ground where her assailants were waiting for her ready for the remnant, he rose into the air with Starfire in her arms to scare her.

Diana tossed her lasso onto one of the few supports on the ship's roof that loomed over the enemy with her shield protecting him from gunfire. It was then that she found him, Red Hood a mere mortal fighting the alien abomination on her own account. The monster was too strong for even one of the most powerful allies and there was only one youth against the beast.

Diana attempted an attack with her powerful sword capable of killing a god, but the sword bounced toward her when one of his scales moved covering the attack. "Son of" she cursed as a hand-shaped appendage formed and tried to crush her. Diana managed to avoid it by flying through the air.

Diana looked up as Hood sliced off one of the alien's hands with one of the modified All-Blades, Hood managed to do so while he avoided the scales. The appendix collapsed to the ground, becoming immobile. It was when Diana concluded that the gelatinous thing was molded according to her needs and the scales of different sizes served as a shield, they would have to find a way to avoid the scales, but it would not be easy, since countless eyes of that being looked at everywhere. Diana moved when the tail hit Hood sending him towards one of the walls, "Hood" Diana yelled as she hurried away from her begging for Clark's speed and avoiding the tail of the alien that was hitting very close to her. Diana reached out her arm, managing to slide it across Hood's abdomen, she almost did not succeed.

Diana climbed onto a roof ledge and carefully set Hood down. "Hood, can you hear me?"

Jason felt that some gentle hands took his face, managed to focus his gaze a little less stunned "Diana" gasped in amazement before placing her hand on his head, little by little he began to get up.

"Easy, Hood, you took a good hit," she asks him, but where others see stubbornness in Jason, Diana sees a warrior's determination.

"The center" informs Hood, Diana blinks a couple of times, there are already grunts, voices rising in the place "this is the place where alien's nervous system is, we have to find a way to get there."

Diana hands an additional communicator to Hood, she opens the communications "Did all of you hear? We have to find a way to get to the center of the abomination."

"Like a Tutsi? Impossible, the scales are hard and they move, not to mention those creepy eyes staring at us" Nightwing's voice.

"We would need ... Hnr ... a massive attack covering all flanks ..." an explosion "but we are not enough." a good idea on Batman's part, but as he says, they need more reinforcements.

"How many do we have inside with superspeed?" asks Hood planning the strategy.

Bruce can't help his heart beat for a stronger moment, it is the first time in years that he has heard Jason's voice, it is the first time in years that he has heard his son address him even if it is jointly with the group.

"Good idea Hood ... Flash, Bizarro and Superman ... Ouch! Bastard! ... Superboy is defending the outside along with the flashlights" Red Robin instructs the team without losing the rhythm of the fight.

"We have enough to flank him from above and below" suggests Starfire already recovered and flying around the alien.

"That's what I'm looking for, Kory. Flanking the bastard from different sides, the sprinter and the boyscaut flying and running at high speed to make him dizzy, so I can get in." The affection towards the Thamariana slid through Jason's voice, he couldn't deny that he knew that Kory's voice brought back old memories, when Koriand'r, Roy and Jason formed a team.

"NO" shouts imperatively Batman "is too risky..Arrgh ... the thickness of the gelatinous body will not allow you to breathe, or move. You will die there"

"You can't decide for me, you can't order shit on me, I'm not your fucking soldier and you're not my owner" Jason growled loud and loud to the communicator. How he dared to treat him as he were his subordinate? how he dared after all the rejections, the mistrust, the rejections? Jason felt his blood burn to the point of seeing it almost green.

"I am your father! Jason." sounds of battle were heard in the background.

Jason felt nauseous, that was not lost on Diana, she looked at the way the young man paled at the words. "You are not, you made it clear to me when you told me when I'm 14, do you remember? you told me, I am not your father. I have no time for teenage rebellion."

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