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Hood places his All-Blades on each side of the great weapon that his children designed, it's designed in such a way that the swords don't disappear thanks to the DNA signature, thanks it's fed with the Jason's blood and soul, the weapon can equal body temperature thanks to the sensors placed in the grip, you will not deny that the ideas were taken from Luthor, and the most brilliant heroes from the JL.

As soon as Hood enters, hordes of heavily armed aliens appear to attack the intruder. One cannon shot is enough to dismember a large group. Hood did not foresee the impact, he did not have time to evaluate the experimental weapon, so he ends up on his ass on the ground. "Him! Nice!" he mutters to himself getting up to resume the battle, Hood activates a button and the weapon change, a needle penetrates their flesh and draws blood, now fused is completate with the All-Blades, a kind of double sawed-off shotgun with two barrels with independent firing or together, the swords have been twisted into a double-edged star that protrudes from the double shotgun, now he can unscrew it to have two powerful weapons or join it again for more power, the single bullets are transformed into an alloy between the gunpowder and the essence of the All-Blades, this is that each shot is much more powerful, but Jason must be careful or he will wear out his own soul.

That is not the only modification they have made in Hood's weaponry, The old hook pistol has been replaced by two hooks attached to the sides of Jason's hips held on a belt, which his shots are commanded just thinking about it, the hooks are like Jason's own extension, this technology works thanks to a spine behind the Hood suit up to his neck, somewhat risky since each assembly carefully and protected from entering Jason's back, the exoskeleton is nailed directly to Jason's nerve endings which is risky even though each assembly is carefully and protected, it's a dangerous adaptation, but effective in battle, thus leaving your hands free.

Hood makes a sprint, he throws himself hitting the head of an alien with the deadly blade, the body begins to collapse, which Jason takes advantage of to use as a springboard, the hook on his right is shot grabbing it to the hard metal and throwing it, in the second he fires when Hood rotates his hips to point toward the ceiling.

Outside the ship, the reinforcements have arrived, the tanks fire their projectiles at the enemies clearing the area of the mother ship door, now Superman goes for the second attempt, Diana, Donna, Superboy are going to support. The shots from the tanks and bazookas haven't done much to weaken the gate, it's heavy but it's giving way.

Batman sets up the clan entrance and himself, Nightwing does the same by turning to the mightiest Titans, but no one can foresee what's inside. The first team fights against the door, Batman, Red Robin, Nightwing, Starfire, Flash-Wally, Raven have managed to slide before the door gives again leaving a small space. Starfire glides through the air, striking the enraged aliens with her explosions.

Nightwing realizes that there are not as many as they expected and curiously many are retreating, Dick begins to gain ground thanks to his agility, he looks up when several shots a few meters from him are directed towards the roof of the ship. "What the hell? " gasps when he sees in the distance a red helmet gliding Spiderman-style through the air, only not the hands or cobwebs that stick to the surface, They are lines with a claw of a strange metal so hard that it can pierce the alloy of the walls of the ship, Hood needed to coordinate his body in a perfect balance and attack with the new weapon that he has disassembled in two. This is not the first time that Jason has used the lines on an Acrobatic Bungee type only that his bands are not elastic which requires more effort, it took him days of practice to master them.

""Is he insane?!" Batman growls and barely stops next to Nightwing before frantically resuming the run. "His back won't take it" Bruce thinks, fighting his way through battle in an attempt to catch up with Hood, he throws a claw into a hole Hood must have left. Bruce knows the self-harm he can do if he continues like this with Hood.

Hood raises two rows for a violent thrust, releasing midway, makes a sudden turn in the air avoiding the firing of a high-powered cannon that manages to destroy the roof of the ship. Jason barely in time, he can feel the heat on his ass, the fall is not so graceful he barely had time to avoid completely collapsing on the floor by clinging to a weak metal frame with one of the lines, he rolls on the metal floor, no there is time to stop. He removes one of his pistols from his thighs and fires an explosive bullet at the dash. Hood prepares to defend himself, hordes of aliens come out determined to kill him "Shit" he growls, he didn't expect such a large group, especially without support.

A shot goes through Hood's thigh, growls missing the shot, another hit hits him in the back that makes him see stars. His knee collapses against the ground, he manages to slide the weapon cutting the legs of one of the enemies, another shot he reaches the side, he almost runs out of air, that must have fractured some ribs, the armor is not strong enough to absolve all the impact.

Batman and the team can't get to Jason, they are too desperate yells over the comms "We need backup NOW!" asks in the hope that the team is not that far away, or that if friend Clark could somehow get in. Desperate, he struggles to get to Jason. Bruce is struggling with everything he has with his attention to what is happening in front of his eyes, Hood is falling despite the brave fight he is giving.

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