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Two years three months ago.

Batwoman was returning from a patrol's hard night, she jumped on the fire escape and was about to open her window a noise made her divert her attention "Hood ?! " She was surprised to look at the missing man for more than a year and was more surprised when he approached with only a red hood covering his hair and dressed completely in civilian clothes except for his boots.

"Can I have a few words with you?" he ask in his thick voice humbly.

"C'mmon get in" Kate opened the window, she wait for him to enter the apartment and then entered "It's strange to see you in Gotham these days" she made the observation while removing his wig and hood leaving them on the bar of a small bar that adorned his house "Do you whant serve something?" Jason assent, Kate gave Jason a quick glance, he was looking strangely insecure and nervous. And it was not all, his cheekbones were marked as if he had lost a few pounds, his eyes were beginning to look sunken, he looked somewhat sick, but he did not look hurt.

"The strongest you have, thank you" Jason answered in a soft voice with his fists on the bags of his sweatshirt, he had not yet removed his jacket, the night was cold, but Kate's apartment was warm.

"Hard night?" Kate took out a bottle of Whiskey and two glasses.

Jason gave a bitter, faint laugh that ended with a huff "I'd say a shitty life." the words came from inside his guts.

Kate cringed a little when heard the words, but it wasn't the phrase in itself, but the way he said it, as if he carried all the weight of the world on his back.

Kate put three ice cubes in each glass, served the Whiskey, walked slowly towards Jason offering the drink he received with a thank you then drank it with a thump, she raised an eyebrow "And I thought my night was difficult." Kate made a sign to sit, he did so, she went for the bottle but something else surprised her, Jason placed his hand on top of the glass "not at the moment, thank you" replied in a kind voice, she noticed a slight tremor in his words "Are you going to tell me? What is the mystery or will we give more turns around of this?"

Jason looked up, looked a little pale, his eyes were shining and were more open than usual with an expression between worry and embarrassment, then he looked to the side and shook his head getting up from a blow causing her to do the same "I'm sorry , this is a mistake." Jason took a couple of strides towards the window but Kate stopped him.

"Hell Jason, you're here and you're not going to leave me with the suspense, I'm not Bruce or any of them to make things easy for you." Kate gave him a hard look "I'm tired, dirty and you will only leave me restless. You came to me so leave your idiotic games and mature a little Jason!" he looked down at the hand of Kate holding her arm firmly, then paid attention to the irritated face of the woman with little patience. He sighed with a nod of his head "Well, I think it's only fair." Both returned to their seats in the small but comfortable room.

"I think that another glass would be fine." Kate gave a brief and polite smile serving another shot of Whiskey in Jason's glass, which this time he only took a sip, then sighed before speaking, as if trying to find the words in the air in the room.

"Kate, I know you don't know me well enough and you can refuse, I swear I won't take it wrong" Jason added a movement of his hands as if to imply that be calm "I need a favor."

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