Chapter 1 - Meeting Jungkook

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"That was... Amazing." Jungkook breathed out loud, his chest heaving.

"Sure..." the woman whispered, hints of sarcasm could've been noticed if he hadn't been so out of breath.

She lifted the duvet up to cover her breast. "Anyways-" the woman dragged out the s. "I actually have a thing tomorrow so I need to go."

"You're sure you don't want to stay the night?"
"I'm sure." by the time being, she'd already put her sexy, red dress back on

"Bye." she quickly exited the door.

Now the lonely man was left alone with his thoughts. He sighed, knowing it was him the woman wasn't attracted to.

Too bad, he really thought they had some kind of chemistry there but apparently not.

He was drinking again at a bar when he'd stumbled across an attractive woman, probably in her late thirties, just like him.

According to him, they immediately hit it off and it ended up in his bed aroun midnight; Ji Hye, she had told him her name. What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.

The reason why Jungkook had been so desperate for her to stay was pretty simple: he had been lonely, he had been lonely for a while now and had hoped this one night stand could've turned into something more. Love.

But considering his luck, it was obvious she only saw him as a one night stand.

That's probably the only thing he'll ever be to someone again, ever since the bitter divorce.

It was around 2 am, he finally fell asleep.



"Just shut up." The man mumbled into pillow, in state of extreme tiredness.

The alarm wasn't the only thing going off; in another room, that poor baby, Hana, was screaming her heart out.

"I'm coming, honey!" ignoring the rucus and sleeping through had already been considered but deep down Jungkook it was wrong to ignore his baby's cries, so he got up, put pants on and went to baby room.

It wasn't that he didn't love his children, quite the contrary; he loved those kids to death, life had just been a shitshow since the divorce.

Life had been work and custody battles. Of course, the jury had found Jungkook capable enough to take care of the kids on week days.

The mother took them on the weekends, well... Sometimes.

"oh, Jungkook I can't take the kids today. You take them."

It was always the same excuse.

"Jungkook, I wish I could take the kids but I have a date."

She was unbelievable. While Jungkook was working his ass off, she had the audacity to go out on dates.

"Come on, Hana. Don't cry." He carefully swooped the crying newborn up with his arms, placing the bottle of milk between her small, pink lips.

"Shhhh,-" he hussed "daddy's got you."

After finally being able to get her to sleep, he went to Minas room; A pastel blue colored room with the same coloured interior.

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