Chapter 15 - Creep

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"One large iced latte for you, miss." I smiled at the sophisticated looking lady as she left the small Cafe.

I tapped my fingers on the marble desk as I looked over at the clock.

10 more minutes and I'm done for today. No more classes just the weekend to look forward to.

Ah the weekend. Truly a blessing.
Besides, it was already dark outside and I just wanted to get going.

And before I knew it. Those 10 minutes had already passed by and I was getting ready to leave.

When I left the Cafe, I always take the backdoor that leads out to a dark, sketchy looking alleyway but I didn't mind.

After a while, you just get used to it and it stops being scary.

I was looking down at the ground when I opened the door so it was impossible for me to notice the shadowy figure lurking besides me.

"Y/N." I let out a scream in pure horror.

Letting my instincts get the best of me, I throat punched the lurking figure.

He wheezed and coughed as he fell to the ground in a state of agony.
The light illuminated up his pale face and I saw who it was.

"What the hell, Jungkook?"

"I-I'm so-sorry." He wheeze, his throat sounding extremely scrachty.

"What the hell were you doing? Do you realize how f***ing messed that is? You're disgusting." I half-yelled at him, pissed at his actions.

How did he know that I'd take this road home?

"How did you know that this is the way I go home?" I interrogated him, not caring that he still was on the ground.

He kept massaging his throat as he got up, "That doesn't matter."

"Uhm, yes it does."
"I wanted to apologize but then I saw you lock the front door so I thought you must take another door out so I looked around the building and spotted this door.
I assumed that this would be where you left from so I waited for you." He tried smiling to lighten the tension but it didn't, not one bit.

"That's still creepy as hell but why do you keep insisting apologizing to me?"

"Because I messed up. I don't know what happened but it wasn't my job to interfere with your life and for that, I'm sorry."

I hesitated for a bit before answering him, "You know, you kinda creep me out."

"And for that I'm sorry too." He looked down at the ground embarrassingly.

"Okay then, I forgive you. Just never do that again."

"I promise I won't," He looked lovingly at me again.

"Anyway, can I walk you home? It's pretty dark and I wouldn't want you to get hurt."


End of chapter 15.
Hope you enjoyed.

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