Chapter 36 - Return

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"Taehyung, what are you doing here?"

"I came back for you, only you."
"No I mean, how did you in here? Did you follow me in here?" I squinted my eyes at him suspiciously.

"No, no, not at all... Well kind of." He laughed awkwardly as scratched his back trying to ease the heavy tension.

"Explain yourself." I put my hands on my waist growing cautious of his weird explanation.

"I moved to London in regret of kissing that girl, it was wrong and I made a huge mistake by pushing you away so I moved back here to apologize but then I was walking down the street and saw you entering this supermarket so I went in after you." He smiled nervously looking out for my reaction.

" Okay, weirdo. But go on, apologize if you want to." I scoffed slightly not expecting such a simple and thorough response from him.

"Does it have to be here? I want it to be more of a personal place. You know, to make it more personal and stuff."

I rolled my eyes at his stupidity and turned around to leave the grocery store, not believing his complete and utter bullshit even for a second but he was quicker and grabbed my hand.

" Wait! I'm so sorry but I just need you to listen to me, just for a second okay?" He held on to me desperately as if I'd dissappear if he were to let go of me.

"Taehyung, it hurts, let go of me this instant or I'll scream." I snared at him as he clenched my hand in his big one.

"Taehyung," I said as a warning, louder than before to let him know that I was dead serious about catching the attention of everyone in the grocery store if he did not let go of me.

He sighed, giving up as he let go of my delicate hand. "Fine, but can we at least just talk alone, I want to take accountability of the things I did. That's all I'm asking of you."

"No, I've already made it very clear that I don't want to have assocations with you. What you did was wrong and frankly disgusting and it made me lose all trust in you as a person, so if you really cared about me, you would turn around, walk out this fucking store and never see nor contact me ever again. Okay?"

I pointed outside, wanting nothing more than for him to leave me alone.
Eventually he gave up, gave me a sad look before walking out the glass door.

I had won...

" Wow, what a fucking creepy ass dude." The beautiful worker, Irene, whom you had become quite close with walked out next to you with her arms crossed.

"I know. Anyway can I pay for my stuff now?"
"Sure, just follow me." She smiled softly.

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