Chapter 4 - Meeting Him Again.

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"You again?!" We both half yelled at the same time.

He put his phone in his pocket and rolled his eyes, nearing me.

"I need a large Americano now."
It was hard but I tried my best to smile at the ignorant man in front of me.

"A large Americano is coming right up." I turned around, heading towards the big, metal like coffee making machine.

"You know, it's truly sad that a pretty girl like you is so... Meh." He suddenly broke the rather awkward silence with the most unnecessary comment ever made.

"Excuse what do you mean by 'meh'?"
"I mean, it's sad that a pretty girl like you is so boyish and rude."

What the heck?

"What do you mean by boyish. It isn't a bad thing to be more boyish."
"What ever you say." Once again, an eye roll.

"Are you really trying to fight me?"
"I guess I really am." He smirked.

"Jokes on you, when I was 6 I took one taekwondo class." I put my fist, trying, keyword trying, to show off my not so big.

He laughed in a rather mocking tone.
"You? Strong? That don't seem right."

"It does!"
"Awww, whatever you say, little girl."
"I am strong." I puffed.

"Wanna bet?" He smirked, already knowing he was going to win his so called bet.

"Yeah, I wanna bet." I said confidantly, crossing my arms in disapproval.

He slowly leaned over on the counter, his right hand lifted up, indicating an arm wrestle

"An arm wrestle? Really, that's all you've got?"
"That's all I've got. Are you f**king kidding me?"

"Anyway, let's start." I smirked in a raw state of confidence.

Putting my hand in his hand, I finally noticed how big his was. Not that I was small, pffft hell no.

He was just big compared to me.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1!"

I furrowed my eyebrows together in concentration as he sqeezed my delicate hand

Dammit, he was stronger than what I had anticipated him to be.

And almost immediately after, I gave up and he put my hand down

I had lost.

"OH come on, that isn't fair!" I half yelled slash whispered in the name of justice. Well, my kind of justice.

"I won, you lost. That's just the way it is. Deal with it." I stuck out my tongue.

"Anyway, my coffee."
"Oh yeah, that." I hissed, still bitter about the loss.

"here ya go." He handed me the needed money and turned around to leave.

"Oh and remove the earrings, they don't tomboys."
"You son of a b**ch!"

My earrings suit me! Besides, they're not even that big.


"I'm so sorry Mr Jeon, but you just don't have enough experience in order to be working here.

Jungkook leaned Back in his chair, sighing, feeling the tears dwell up in his eyes.

Yet another failed interview.
Things weren't looking ideal for him anymore.


"Hi, what can I do f- you again?" I mumbled to myself.

It was him again but he looked different. He had red eyes.

Had he been crying?

End of chapter 4.

14 Years Apart - JJK X READERWhere stories live. Discover now