Epilogue pt. 1

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"Mina, don't run in the house." He stood up from the bar stool and walked over to his daughter and picked her up by the torso, placing her on his waist.
"But dad-"
"I don't want to heat any excuses. You could've gotten seriously injured if you tripped or ran into something. You know I don't want you to get hurt. Do you understand?"

"I understand. I love you, daddy." The frown she wore slowly turned into a bright smile, a signature of hers.
"I love you too, honey." He wrapped his other arm around her smaller body and kissed her cheek lovingly

To say Jungkook proud was an understatement, he had raised his kids right, well mostly Mina as Hana couldn't do much and the third one wasn't even born yet.
Mina had turned into a very empathetic and caring kid, always first in line to help if one of friends got hurt. She even took great care of her action figures and barbie dolls, always tending to them wherever she got home.

He let go of his girl and admired her playing with the Spider-Man figurine she'd gotten on her 7th birthday.

As he watched Mina play, he couldn't help but to smile.
Becoming a father had made him more self-conscious about his actions and decisions. He was once so insecure about what a shitty dad he felt like he had been to his kids, but not anymore.

It felt like he'd become a better person especially as a dad, he had become more confident in himself like he'd found his place on this earth. As a great dad and loving fiance.


The man looked up from his daughter and over the half opened door. He stood up before walking into the room.

First thing Jungkook noticed was his almost 1 year old daughter's thick hands clenching to the cribs railing.

"Oh baby, you're finally awake." He smiled, picking her up and into his arms.
"Are you hungry" She didn't quite understand what he was saying but still smiled at her handsome dad.

They left the room and put Hana in the high chair. He carefully started spooning her pasta into her mouth.

"Vroom vroom, here comes the car." Jungkook said in his goffiest voice as Hana smiled, thoroughly enjoying the baby food.
Mina too was enjoying her sister excited looks.

"Can I give her some food?" She asked.
"Sure, just be careful." Jungkook put Mina on his thigh and gave her the spoon.

Mina couldn't help but to giggle at her sister accepting the spoon into her mouth. Seeing her sister and dad smile, Hana smiled too, still not understanding anything.

"You're so cute." Mina cooed at her younger sibling. While the two were busy adoring her, the door opened up, revealing a very pregnant Y/N with groceries in her hands.

"Y/N!" The young girl ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

Jungkook put the spoon down and walked up to her. "Baby, why didn't you tell me you'd go shopping. I would've gone with you, you're too pregnant for that stuff." He took the bags from her hands and put them on the kitchen counter.

"I know, we really just needed milk and I kind of went overboard." She smiled sheepishly, walking over to her fiance with Mina still clenching to her legs.

"It's okay." Jungkook smiled back before kissing her on the lips.
"Ew!" Mina yelled and quickly sat down to play with Spider-Man.

The two adults couldn't help but to smile at their kid.
Y/N walked over to Hana before continuing to feed the little one.
Jungkook put his arms on the counter as he admired his beautiful girls.

This was the life he'd always dreamed about but instead of dreaming about it, he was actually living it and he loved every single second of it.

A loving fiancée, three beautiful kids with one on the way, a stable job and a little, cozy house. Everything was perfect. Well there was still a bit of money problems as Jungkook's job didn't earn him millions but as when Y/N would be able to graduate and get a job, that should be no problem.

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