Chapter 42 - Break Up

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"Wait, stop, babe." The tall man laughed out loud.

"Too bad cause I'm not gonna stop!"
I evilly smiled as I continued to tickle my beloved boyfriend.

"Stop." His laughter was abruptly brought to an end when he finally fell off the couch.

For a while, there was an awkward silence but it ended when Taehyung snorted of laughter.

The man clutched his stomach as he continued to laughter, tears building up in his eyes.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I laughed as grabbed his arm to pull him up again.

"No- It's alright, I'm fine baby." He wheezed before getting up on the couch next to me.

"You're honestly great at tickling." He grabbed my shoulder and kissed my forehead.

"Weird compliment but okay. I'm gonna get us some water." I smiled awkwardly at him, I stood up and walked to the kitchen.


"Here is your water." I smiled as I bended over the coffee table to place the glass down.

"Babe, do you know whose ring this is?" I looked up to see Taehyung holding a big steel ring, probably intended for men.

Then it hit me, it was Jungkook's.
When we had kissed, he had taken his ring off and he must've forgotten all about it.

However, the man in front of me had been getting suspicious of my silence.
"Is this Jungkook's?"

Shit, I shouldn't have told him about Jungkook.

"Oh god, it is isn't it?" He closed his eyes and sighed deeply.

"I honestly can't believe that you brought him back to your home. That pig." He exclaimed and I stood up.

I don't know what went over but I got angry. How dare he insult Jungkook?

"Shut up..."


"I said shut up."

"Don't talk to me like that, Y/N." He looked sternly at me.

"Oh, like you didn't fucking cheat on me, you pathetic, pretentious scumbag." I hissed back.

He looked visibly taken back by my words.

"You take that back." Taehyung clenched his fist as he stood up.

"No, I won't and you know what? We're through." So I grabbed the water threw it at his face.


"And you know what? I never loved you and your dick is small. Now get out, loser." I angrily pointed at the door.

"No, please don't, Y/N. I love you." The tears were already streaming down his pale face.

"I like someone else. Now get out or I'll call the police."

The man cried as he ran out the door.

And that was that.

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