Chapter 19 - Realizing Feelings

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TRIGGER WARNING: Jungkook has some pretty dark thoughts, he's not having suicidal thoughts, he's just tired.

"Shhh, it's okay baby, daddy's right here." The man hushed to the wailling baby.

She'd been crying for so long her faced had turned red and he had ended up calling the doctor in tears.

"It's nothing. Sometimes babies just need to cry." They said. Did they realize how painful it was to have to watch your own daughter cry and be able to do nothing?

As he held her, the tears ran down his colorless cheeks. It hurt watching her cry. It always had...

Finally after an hour of constant crying, Hana calmed down but when he put both girls to sleep and layed down in his own, he just broke down crying.

"I can't do this anymore..."

He was tired of this s***ty life, he did not want to die, he just wanted a better one.

A house in a safe neighborhood, a good school for his kids, more time for his kids and someone to love, someone he could love for the rest of his life without ending up in a bitter divorce.

Someone kind, caring, considerate, smart and loving.

Someone like... Y/N.

Yeah, Y/N. She was kind and soft.

And then, the realization hit him: Why he thought constantly about her, why he cared so much for her,
Why he got jealous when he saw so close to that guy, that was jealousy.

Jeon Jungkook had a crush on her...

It suddenly made so much more sense to him. His emotions had been right there in front of him and he still managed to miss it completely.

Jungkook couldn't help but to let out a big smile. He finally felt love.

Like a school girl in love, all he could think about was Y/N.
All he did that night was think about her and tracing the beautiful lines of his sleeve tattoos.
(If you don't like the idea of Jk having tattoos in this ff, just imagine he traced the lines of his skin.)

An idea popped into his head- why not ask her out tomorrow? He knew that she worked on a Friday.


"H-Hey Y/N," He stuttered, scratching his neck. "I'd like a medium Americano and Mina would like a chocolate donut."

I bend over the desk, trying to spot the cute, little girl.

"Hi Mina and hi Hana." Mina smiled at me and Hana shrieked joyfully when she saw me, clenching her unicorn stuffy even tighter.

"The donut and the coffee is coming right up." I smiled.

"Hey um Y/N, do you mayb-"
He was interrupted by a ding from a phone.

"Sorry, it's my boyfriend, Taehyung."
His heart dropped.

"The guy I uhmmm." He hesitated, I nodded.
"Yeah that guy."

"Anyway, what did you want to ask?"
"Oh that was nothing, never mind."

End of chapter 19.
Hope you enjoyed.

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