Chapter 31 - Trouble

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Trigger warning: This chapter will contain violence and blood.

"Young lady, where have you been?"
"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I heard you leave in the night but I didn't do anything and first now you show up, and in different clothes."

I was still wearing his T-shirt and my own pants, being too lazy to change my clothing. I had spent the night, sleeping with Jungkook, literally just slept together, nothing more than that.

She put her hands on her waist as she let out a heavy sigh.

"You do realize I'm just trying to look out for you. You're my daughter, I love you, Y/N." She walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me in a loving manner.

"I love you so much, mom. I never want to let you down."


Jungkook was sipping on his strawberry milkshake he had gotten from McDonald's as he walked down the busy and crowded streets streets of Seoul.

Right now, he was trying to distract himself from how much he missed his kids and Y/N, now that Ellie had the kids and his Y/N had left, he little to no distraction. It was just him and his own thoughts.

He thought about her a lot. Y/N...

He stopped in the of street and mumbled to himself.
"One day, I'm gonna marry her."

Not wanting to be in the heavy crowd of people anymore, he noticed a dark alleyway, connected to the sidewalk
so he went in there, escaping all the people.

When he was far away from all the people, a strange voice spoke up.

" Well, well, well, if it isn't the Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook abruptly stopped up and turned around only to see Mr Kwon with two men standing behind him.

The two men had bats and were strong, tall and intimidating.

"Woah, M-Mr Kwon, there is no need to do this." He wavered his hands in defeat.

But it was to no use anyway, the two men walked closer to him.

Jungkook tried to run away but the one man grabbed him and threw him against the brick wall.

He fell in the ground, desperately gasping for air.

" Please do-don-" The other man grabbed him by the hair kicked in the face, instantly breaking his nose.

Then the situation got worse, the first man clenched his bat as he threw it down right on Jungkook's back.

He screamed in pure agony as they continued to beat the living s*** out of him.



"What in the... JUNGKOOK! A-Are you okay!" She shrieked in shock, pulling him into the small apartment before closing the door.

"What happened to you?"
"I got beat up by my old boss, Kwon."
"You're lucky my mom isn't home or I'd never had let you in. Now let's go treat those wounds before they get infected."

End of chapter 31.
Hope you enjoyed.

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