32~ explaining themselves pt.2

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(Third pov)

*Present time*

"So, you know?" Natalie asked when she opened her door for Miley to come in. She suddenly showed up in front of Natalie's house.

Miley stepped in while nodding, "Yup, but I'm not here to scream, I'm here to apologise."

Natalie looked down and nodded, "Finally..."

Miley sighed and pulled Natalie in a hug, "Just so you know, I'll never forgive myself and I regretted everything the day you found out I'm... Still alive."

"Mhm", Natalie said before breaking the hug. "But, why? Why didn't you trust me?"

"How are you not mad?" Miley asked confused.

"Oh I am! Just stop asking questions, answer mine instead and then I'll you give your answers", Natalie said. "Let's go sit on the couch." She suggested.

So, they sat on the couch.

Miley took a deep breath before asking, "Don't you like- when you realize you messed up big time-"

"I said stop asking questions and answers mine instead", Natalie interrupted. Miley nodded, "Right."

She exhaled. "I don't know why I lied. I first thought it would be the best idea to lie about me so you would just forget I even existed. I was even surprised you still knew me!"

"Well, do you still know me as your childhood friend?" Natalie asked. Miley nodded aggressively, "Of course I do! How could I forget- Oh, now I see..."

Natalie nodded, "Now you see."

Miley shook her head, "Anyways, You and I... Actually, you and Riley started texting more and more and I found out that if you knew I was right here, you would be so mad and actually would wanna beat me up, so I got... Scared, I guess?" Miley asked, unsure if that was the reason she hid herself.

"You totally panicked and continued lying about everything", Natalie helped her.

"Ah, right! Damn, you know me better than I do myself!" Miley laughed, but Natalie just stared at her. "You can talk to me if you want, too."

Miley stopped laughing for a second before awkwardly chuckling, "Oh, don't worry about me, I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?" Natalie asked, not convinced.

Miley laughed uncomfortable, "Wow, what's with the worried look? It gets me all nervous when I don't even have something to hide!"

Natalie squinted her eyes, "You good...?"

Miley continued laughing, "Why are you so serious? It's not something for you to be."

Natalie thought for a second before sighing, "Right, continue."

"S-so then... All that happened and our friends warned me a thousand times, but I didn't listen to them because I was... I-I was a-"


Miley looked down in shame. "Y-yeah..."

What's with my sudden personality change? Why am I the one who's so nervous. I can't even look at Natalie's hands, let alone her face...

"Hey, uhm... So you clearly have no reason for making up a whole nother person, so let's just stop here", Natalie said, giving up.

"R-really? So, you're not mad at me?" Miley asked, still looking down.

"Oh, I am. I just don't show it." She pointed out.


"But actually, I'm not as mad as I should be. Actually, I'm not not surprised and this whole time it was just funny to me how you think I'm such a dumbass when I'm faking a whole personality", Natalie chuckled.

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