Chapter one

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It was a fairly cold night in January. Maya, a lieutenant in the U.S Marine Corps had just gotten home on her first leave of her third tour in Afghanistan. After landing, she grabbed her duffel bag and made her way to the lobby of the North Carolina airport. When she was met with warm brown eyes and an excited grin, she immediately bounded over to their owner. The marine then gave the shorter girl a tight hug in greeting and matched her smile as she pulled away from the embrace and ruffled the older one's dirty blonde hair.

"Long time no see Mai ," She sighs happily, tears threatening to fall. "I've missed you so much lil' sis." Maya was taken in by her Aunt and Uncle after the unexpected death of her mother, and her father going MIA. The older girl in front of her was her cousin but basically her sister, and it had been six months since she'd last seen her.

"I missed you too Andy. Hey," The taller woman pulled her cousin in for another hug as she watched the first tear fall from her eyes. "Don't cry, I'm okay, I'm here."Andy then relaxed at the blonde haired girls touch and lets the tears fall freely. Every time Maya was deployed, the brunette haired women was the one who took it the hardest. The two have literally been attached at the hip since Maya was born, they had done pretty much everything from sports to art classes together. Only to later find out the short Latina was not a natural athlete whereas her partner in crime was, and well Andy, she turned out to be more of a gentle soul.

"I know Mai, it's just it's been a long six months without knowing you're safe." Andy started, managing to control her sobs and whipping away the tears."Mom and Dad, they've missed you just as much. I know you probably want to go to your apartment first to clean up and stuff. But I was thinking we could head over there since Jax is there anyway? Then maybe go out for a drink afterwards?"

"That sounds great, lead the way." The lieutenant signals for her to proceed back to her car that is parked outside. "I've missed you guys too." She whispers after exiting the automatic doors and gazes at the slight snowfall that began when she got into the white Civic.

After walking into her apartment, Maya threw her bag on the floor then sauntered over to her brown leather sofa. Andy followed close behind and lets out a muffled giggle as she watches the younger girl throw her head back in relief. "It's good to be home." She stated as she started untying her combat boots and freed her camouflage pants from their current entrapment. She put her boots by the door then padded back into the living room, to tell her cousin that she'd take a quick shower and then they could leave.

"Sounds good, take your time." Andy smiled patiently back at her. With that, the blonde haired girl found her way to her bathroom where she takes out two towels, one for her body and another for her hair, and continued to undress while turning on the water. As the lieutenant undresses she examines the scratched as well as the bruised parts of her legs, arms, and abdomen. During boot camp was when she was last covered in marks like these, however these were not due to training officers teaching her how defend herself. These, were due to the enemy who threatened her country. Instead of allowing herself to think about it, she relished in the fact that she was home now. She took her phone out of her pocket and placed it on the speaker. She smiled to herself while hearing the relaxing music fill the bathroom as she pulled off the last piece of clothing and stepped into the shower.

Still wearing her infamous dog tags, one showed her rank as well as how many tours she had completed- being two and a half out of four. The other had her name engraved and serial number, so they could identify her should something happen. Maya let the hot water beat on the back of her neck and relax her tense muscles. She grabs a bit of the mint scented shampoo and messages it into her scalp, watching as the dirt from the base left the surface of her body. Rinsing the shampoo from her dark locks, she traces the tattoo on her right bicep with her freehand. Three arm bands, one for each brother or sister she lost during the fight so far. Cringing at the thought of losing another, she dabbed some conditioner in her rough hands and ran it through her hair. The lieutenant then allowed the hot water to wash away her current worry for now and stepped out of the shower and envelopes herself in the soft white towel.

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