Chapter Seventeen ( Part Two )

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It slipped and Maya immediately went slack jawed before she could go on a wild tangent. From the look on Carina's face she believed she hadn't heard the marine correctly and narrowed her eyes.

    "What?" She asked with a sweet smile on her face. This was the moment she had dreamed of for years, Maya finally allowing those three words to fall from her lips without effort. "I don't think I heard you right."    

Maya swallowed hard and decided to go with her gut, this was the right time. "I love you, Carina." This time it came out more surely and less nervous. She knew she adored the woman beneath her, anyone with two eyes could see that. Carina looked up to the marine, unsure of what to make of the situation and just letting herself feel the moment.  

"I'm sorry, uh I didn't mean to kill the mood and I don't expect you to say it back or anything and wow is it hot in here or is it just me? I should really get that checked. Do you think Enzo needs to go pee? I should probably go check-" Carina cut the lieutenant off with her lips and pulled her into her small body. As she heard the low moan escape from the marine's throat the smaller girl smiled into the kiss, to the marine, that was a good sign. When they finally parted Maya's eyes stayed closed, hoping she hadn't  ruined everything in a matter of seconds. 

  "Maya, bambina, relax." Carina giggled and placed both hands on either side of the marine's face. "I love you too." Blue eyes revealed themselves to the doctor, taking on a completely different look than any Carina had seen before. Instead of the greyish tone they usually portrayed, the lieutenant's eyes were a pure ocean blue. She was happy. So fucking happy. 

  "You do?" Maya relaxed under Carina's touch and scanned her face, looking for any sign that she was lying. 

She wasn't.  

  "I do." She whispered to the marine, then pulled her in so their lips were barely a centimetre apart. The temperature in the room rose once again bringing the mood back to where it had been only minutes before. "I need you to do something for me." It came out hushed over the lieutenant's lips, sending a chill down her spine. The blouse was still on her shoulders with the buttons undone, a sight Carina would have burned into her mind for the rest of her days.

    "Anything." Maya's voice had achieved its sensual level of rasp, making the heat between the doctor's legs pulsated at the sound. She brushed her lips over the marine's and pressed their foreheads together as she closed her eyes.

    "Show me." The brunette breathed knowing this was how she would give herself to Maya fully by giving her the gift of being her first. 

The lieutenant didn't waste anytime in bringing the smaller woman into a heated kiss. Carina's legs wrapped around the older woman's waist, bringing her impossibly closer. Maya's lips worked the young doctor's neck, applying just the right amount of pressure as she grazed over the woman's pulse point. She knew this was Carina's first time, it was written all over her face, and as promised Maya intended to make it memorable. Remembering her plan of appreciating every inch of the Italian's body, the lieutenant took charge. The woman beneath her would know how much the she cared for her, how much she loved her, after tonight. She moved so she could look straight in her coffee coloured eyes, then spoke.

    "I love every single inch of you." She whispered, bringing her lips to the brunette's for a chaste peck. "I love your eyes." The marine continued as she kissed Carina's forehead then the tip her nose. "Your nose." 

Photograph ( Marina )Where stories live. Discover now