Chapter Thirteen ( Part One )

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The past two weeks had been filled with a busy schedule for the now new surgical intern and an uneventful one for the marine. Carina still kept an eye on Bradly and his recovery, however now she couldn't really spend as much time with him as she wanted, that alone had brought her down. Doctor Hunt hadn't made another move, mostly because she never let herself be alone with him. Also, if Maya heard about him again, he'd end up dead. The lieutenant did her best to keep herself busy with the gym and walking Enzo, and truthfully she found it quite pathetic that without the brown-eyed girl she had basically nothing to do.

It had been almost ten days since they had last seen each other due to the younger woman's work schedule and she missed her. Carina would send her texts on her breaks, but they both knew that it wasn't the same. The brown-eyed doctor was experiencing the same loneliness as well. She missed Maya's scent and the way her arms wrapped around her so effortlessly. If this was how she dealt with only a three day separation, it worried her what the six month tour Maya would be going on again would do to her. She shook the thought from her mind before heading to the locker room to change.

Thankfully, it was the end of her shift and she had a long weekend thanks to her upcoming exam. Mr. MacDonald had made sure that she'd have every other weekend off in order to study for the exam, as well as gave her time during the week to learn from scrubbing in on different surgeries. Her plan however for that particular Thursday evening, along with the rest of the weekend, was some sort of studying of the human anatomy. Just not the particular material she had been instructed to go over.

She pulled the baby blue scrub top off and reached for the sweater she had 'borrowed' from Maya and her jeans. Once she was ready she tossed the scrubs in the locker and made her way downstairs. Thankfully, her plan of surprising the marine was backed up by none other than the infamous Victoria and of course, Andy. They waited outside the hospital doors in the taller brunettes white Civic and instantly smiled the moment Carina had come into view. After launching herself in the back seat, Andy shifted to look at the now Doctor behind her.

"Nice sweatshirt." Andy giggled at the old varsity hoodie Maya used to sport every other day back in high school. Even then, Carina had always wondered what it would be like to wear it. "Maya rarely took that thing off."

"I remember." Carina smiled as she reminisced on the teenage version of the marine who always had a little paint on her hands and bruises on her legs.

"Stop your blushin' and fill us in." Vic interrupted as she looked over her shoulder at the small brunette's expression. "What do you have planed?" She asked just as Andy pulled out of the hospitals parking lot.

"Uhhhh.." Carina blushed at the thought process she had earlier. "Well you see.."

"Oh hell to the no." Vic gasped and raised a hand to her lips. "Mila..."

"Can we stop by Victoria Secret?" Carina mumbled bashfully.

"Y'all have been dating for what, two weeks?Are you sure you're ready?" Andy interjected.

"I've been waiting since the tenth grade. What more do you want from me?" Carina laughed at the shorter woman's concern. Honestly, her plan had nothing to do with what either of them thought. She just decided making them think something like that was going to happen was more fun then what she actually had arranged. As far as the doctor knew, Maya was currently home doing absolutely nothing and bored out of her pretty little mind. All she was going to do was walk in and surprise, nothing more. Well, unless it got to that. The three continued their conversation as they made their way to the mall and joked about the possible faces Maya would make if she saw Carina in lingerie.

Meanwhile, the lieutenant spread paint across an empty canvas for the first time since she had joined the military. What she was going to paint? She had no clue. But she found herself wanting to portray the light in Carina's eyes and the different shades of brown in them along with the specs of gold when the sun hit them just the right way. Her phone vibrated and the marine nearly jumped out of her skin, however she smiled when she saw who the message was from.

Photograph ( Marina )Where stories live. Discover now