Chapter Twenty-Four

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Later that afternoon, Carina found herself chest and knee deep in the old fashioned tub she had fantasized about since she had laid eyes on it. After their outing that afternoon with Spartan, the tall Doctor had learned she most definitely wasn't as terrified of horses as she had claimed. Instead of taking their separate 'overgrown donkey' as Carina had called them, Maya had decided it'd be far less strenuous if they just took one together. Which in the end the younger woman was thankful for. In fact, leaning back into the lieutenant as she felt her hot breath on the base of her own neck had been the most satisfied she felt thus far. Well, that and well, the other thing, but that was a different story.

However, having been of Italian blood and still not completely used to the cold temperatures of a North Carolina winter, Carina's hands had become icicles along with her feet. So after a good hour and a half of Maya whispering stories about the mountains in her ear, they had both decided it was time to return home. Only after an impromptu snow fight of course. The afternoon had been incredible, between sweet kisses and learning more about Maya's childhood, Carina swore she couldn't have wished for a better day thus far. She sighed contently as she thought of the aftermath of their snow war.

"Baby come on, I said I was sorry!" Maya chuckled as she tried to hold a pouty face while looking at shivering Carina.

"Oh n-no, d-don't you pu-puppy face me green eyes, I never gave you p-permission to go full out assault riffle on me! Thanks to your ass I DID become a Carina-pop!" The younger girl huffed in frustration, freezing her ass off in her now soaking wet coat and jeans due to Maya's ambush with a good two rounds of snowballs.

"Yes, but I was right," Maya smiled as she kissed Carina's lips unexpectedly, taking the Doctor's surprised gasp as a way to slip her tongue into her mouth. To the brunette's own dismay, she didn't push the lieutenant away. The kiss had brought up her temperature and Maya was warm, she'd be insane to deny herself that. The marine pulled away much too soon for Carina's liking and placed a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. "You are delicious."

However now, Maya was being somewhat distant towards the young Doctor, refusing her offer to take a bath together, saying that 'I couldn't keep my hands off of you if I did, and I swore to myself I would wait until tonight.'. What the hell did that even mean? Carina shook her head with a small grin on her face while bending over to lay her head atop of her crossed arms that stationed themselves atop her knees. She hoped that her little slip up earlier hadn't thrown the older girl off too horribly. The brunette still felt insanely troubled by the fact that she had allowed the stupid joke slip from her lips. 'At least I'll die happy', what the fuck Carina? You had literally just finished a conversation about how she was afraid that she wouldn't come home! How dumb can you get?' With a huff of frustration the small Latina pulled her hand through the water and watched as the ripple effect took place.

Each made Carina think of the stages of her and Maya's relationship, the steps they had made as a couple in such a short amount of time together. Were they moving too fast? No. Well, maybe to some other people, but for the brown-eyed Doctor it felt like a perfect pace. They've gotten through their first disagreement the weekend before, a potential crisis that same night, Maya's impending deployment. The two had gone through more within that month and a half than most do in the first year. No, they were definitely not moving too quickly. They had been in love for years, just temporarily separated for a few of them. But like (to Carina at least) coffee needed sugar, they needed each other, and two things that went so perfectly together were meant to be. Like herself and the marine.

Deciding to take matters in her own hands, Carina grabbed her phone from the side table and dialled the only person she could think of that'd have a clue as to what was going on with Maya. Vic.

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