Chapter Four

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"What?" The lieutenant gulped. She had expected the younger women to have passed out, however her hunch was proven wrong after the brunette spoke up.

     "Stay, please?" The brown eyes were now attached to the blue ones staring back at her. Looking for comfort in the irises as she scanned further to crack the marine's hard persona of many days at war. Maya's eyebrows shifted forward as she took a seat on the bed, wondering if sleeping next to the stranger had been a request of intoxication or pure need.

     "You want me to sleep in here,"  The blue eyed women motioned her hand around for emphasis, "With you? Are you sure, I mean we just-"She was cut off by a mumble and a small finger placed upon her lips. 

    "I'm positive, now please. I'm freezing." Carina moved over to let her new heat source lay next to her as she also wrapped the flannel sheets and blankets around herself. Instead of immediately sitting down, the blonde-haired woman walked to her closet to grab a sweater as well as some sweats for herself to change into then walked into the bathroom to do so.  While changing Maya caught herself looking in the mirror at the image, but mostly in awe of the fact that she was blushing. She hadn't blushed over anyone since junior year but for some reason the innocent request from the young bartender seemed to have the weakening effect on her. Smiling slightly, she pulled the sweatshirt over her head that read 'U.S.M.C.', then padded back over to the king sized monstrosity that seemed to be swallowing the younger one whole. After placing some old sweats out on the bench for Carina, Maya discovered a mountain of blankets and no brunette. Biting her lip she made a move to search for the girl under the blankets,when her hand came in contact with the warm skin of Carina's abdomen she realized her search had been a success. Soon she was met with a loving gaze from unmistakable hazelnut orbs and a hand on her cheek.

    "Thank you," she breathed, her eyes still looking for a sense of comfort in the normally icy blue. "For taking care of me tonight, it's very noble of you lieutenant. It has me wondering what I can do to repay you, any ideas?"    

"There's no need for that, I'm just glad I was there to help out. Knowing you're safe is enough payment for me." Maya was smiling brightly at this point, it had been years since she was last in any sort of relationship, right then she could've sworn it was because she was meant to meet the brunette nursing student. She meant it, knowing Carina was safe lifted an unknowing weight off of her shoulders, but having her here made it all the more comforting. For the first time in what felt like forever, Maya felt her pulse race when she looked back and saw the taller girl smiling back at her, wow, she thought. The last time the lieutenant's heartbeat reached over the regular rate was during the bombing. A look of pain flashed her features at the memory of that night. 

   "Hey,"Carina placed a hand over the soldier's, "You okay?" The gesture alone made goosebumps appear on her porcelain skin but the look of sincerity laced with a tone of concern made the blue-eyed women speechless. The small hand was holding onto her slightly bigger one, her thumb slowly rubbing the back of Maya's hand comfortingly. 

   "Y-yeah, I'm fine." Smiling reassuringly, she allowed herself to indulge in the moment and interlaced her fingers with the young bartender's ."Still want me to stay? I brought some old clothes out for you to change into, they're pretty warm."    

"Of course I do, something in me wants to see if I can melt the ice in your eyes. And maybe, just maybe, it'll help you smile more often, which you should because it's a beautiful smile." She grinned widely while looking at their intertwined hands, almost as if she had found her missing puzzle piece she had been searching endlessly for.

     "I've never done this before," Maya admitted shyly, still holding the nursing student's hand. "I've never let someone in." Although it was true, she never had let anyone in her room before, she had never opened the door to her heart either. The thought simply terrified the lieutenant more than any gun or grenade ever could. After years of military training and learning to keep her feelings buried beneath the uniform, the blonde- haired marine had developed a rather stone cold heart, causing a blank look to take over her eyes. 

Photograph ( Marina )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora