Chapter Three

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As the bass pumped through the club brown eyes finally met blue for the first time up close. Carina's breath hitched in her throat at the realization of just how beautiful the marine standing in front of her was. "Infestata". She mumbled quietly, her native language coming through during the moment of bewilderment. The blonde -haired girl outstretched her hand for the younger one to shake, but the tall Italian was too engrossed in her eyes to notice. When she finally did she rushed out a, "Sorry, um, I'm Carina ," Maya waited for the girls surname lifting an eyebrow in question. "Deluca ."

      "Italian ?" The blue-eyed women asked while she leaned up against the bar. This was Maya's natural game plan, be smooth, stay cool, and pretend like she didn't have a heart. However, the walls she had worked so hard to build had now started to crumble, and it had only been a half an hour into the night. Something about the way the brunette looked at her was familiar and enough to want to continue talking to her. 

    "Si, both of my parents are from Italy ." She answered kindly, still not taking her eyes off of the lieutenant. She never limited herself to one gender when it came to her sexuality, for the young bartender it was more about the person's heart then what was in their pants. And appearance always turned out to be a bonus. Right now looking at Maya , she understood why that was. 

   "That's pretty awesome, I'm from America, so nothing special" She smiled brightly at the doe eyed girl, then called over the male bartender to order another drink. 

   "Hey my name's Clay, what can I get for you?" The man smiled down at Maya intently, clearly enjoying her appearance, and threw the towel he was holding over his shoulder. But the bright-haired marine wasn't interested; her eyes stayed fixed on Carina .

     "Hey, I'll take a whiskey and coke please and, what would you like? It's on me."  

   "I'll just have a vodka soda if that's okay." Blushing at Maya's chivalry, she looked at the woman with appreciation for the gesture. "Thanks." 

    "Coming right up ladies."  

   " Hey carina , Maya actually speaks three languages! Isn't that awesome?" Andy interjected, having had the drink she ordered earlier long gone and onto another. "She's quite the catch." 

    "Andy-" Maya began, but was cut off shortly by the Polish-American just two over.  

   "Yeah, and Car, Mai is packin'. Like she's fit as fuck my friend, marine and all. Ex high school soccer, softball, and mostly basketball star. Chickypoo is fierce! Smart as hell too! You should ask her what her GPA was!!"  

  "Fuck Vic, really?" The lieutenant whined as her friend began their jobs as wing-women, however being slightly drunk made it all the more fun. "Can you guys not."  

  "Oh come on Mai," Travis smiled cockily, "someone needs to talk you up, you won't do it yourself so this is what we," He gestured to himself and the two others "are for!"    

"Three languages huh?" Carina piped up, "That's impressive, former athlete, and military woman, hmm sounds too good to be true." Wherever her sudden confidence came from she was thankful that Clay had set the two drinks down in front of them whilst the girls continued sharing some impressive things about their childhood friend. Were they really trying to set them up?   

   "DON'T FORGET HOW SMART SHE IS!!" Andy giggled, just then her love himself blared over the speakers, Justin Timberlake. "OH HECK NO! MY MAN, JT!! Let's go dance, come on y'all! You too Vic!" The shorter women made her way to her dance floor, with a smiley Travis and frustrated Vic in tow, in hopes to catch the last bit of the song.  

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