Chapter Twenty-Five

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A/N: (Trigger warning: PTSD, War Scenes, talk of disembodiment.) PLEASE READ THE CAUTION!

Their evening had gone incredibly thus' far. Maya introduced her to every single person who had stopped to talk to the young Lieutenant Colonel as her girlfriend, or as the marine had put it, her love. Something about the way the blonde-haired girl's features lit up the moment she had gotten to tell some of her colleagues that Carina was hers. Her love. The epitome of the definition and everything in between.

Once they had taken their seats, the young surgical intern was met with two unfamiliar faces in which Maya had yet to introduce her to. She felt intimidated and slightly uncomfortable. They were young women, one sat dressed in her blues much like Maya's while the other had the marine's hand in her own and was dressed much like Carina herself, in a black dress that had reached mid thigh. The lieutenant took her seat next to her and took a look at who had been across from them. Her blue eyes shaded grey and Carina felt herself place a soothing hand on the lieutenant's thigh. Then the two marines made eye contact, that's when she knew this girl had served with Maya. That's when she saw all the colour drain from her face and the smile she had sported for the past hour and a half fade into a solemn tight line.

"Maya who is she?" She tried, but before she could earn a proper response from her girlfriend the other marine chuckled dryly.

"First Lieutenant, eh Bishop? They let you move up after that shit show in Afghanistan two month ago? Pitiful."

"Private, I don't think you understand the setting in which we are in. If you wish to insult me, please, let's do this away from the table. I understand you're angry-"Maya attempted to reason, her voice cold before being cut off by the younger marine.

"Damn right I'm angry, you got my brother killed Maya ." Carina felt herself swallow harshly as the words left the young marine's mouth. " You didn't cheek that building properly, you cleared the damn thing, the moment he walked in there he was blown to smithereens. So yeah Maya, I'm fucking angry." The younger woman spat, keeping her voice low as she tried to avoid making a scene.

"Nicki, please. Calm down baby." The other woman who Carina assumed to be this 'Nikki's' woman's girlfriend whispered. But there was no way to diffuse this one, no matter how qualified they were. This bomb was going to go off at any second and the young brunette sat in thought of how it seemed Maya could never get a break from it all. Carina herself still didn't know exactly what happened that day, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't intrigued but by the way the lieutenant woke up screaming the names of her fallen friends with blood trailing down her lips due to the intensity of the attack, she decided she probably wouldn't want to know.

"Private Jones- Nicki, I need you to grasp the fact that the explosion was caused by a suicide bombing. No matter if I had cleared the building or not, it was going to blow. If you need someone to blame, then so be it, blame me. I know I do. I can't go a night without seeing his goofy smirk before he walked in there. I can't close my eyes without seeing the pieces of him being scattered around as I laid there watching, praying to whatever God above to be dead too. Jack was an incredible second lieutenant, he always had my back, and I his, but in the end it didn't make a difference. I'm just as mad as you are that I got to walk away from it. Believe me I've endured my fair share of punishment due to it. Seeing both Dean and Jack, being drowned by flames, haunts me with every single breath I take."

"Lieutenant, with all due respect here, not that I have much. Tell me what the hell happened so I can at least have that peace of mind? You owe me that. You owe my family an explanation for why their son was scattered in so many pieces that we couldn't give him a proper funeral. So please." Nicki's voice cracked as she held her girlfriend's hand tighter, the other pinching the bridge of her nose.

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