Chapter Sixteen

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The following Monday, Carina went with an extra large coffee, knowing fully well she hadn't slept well all weekend do to a lack of comfort from a certain marine; she needed it to say the least. After binging on Ben and Jerry's, watching countless horrible rom-coms with Travis while crying for the last three days, Carina had swallowed her pride. Well, somewhat. The thought of Maya going into battle still terrified her, not knowing if her lieutenant would come back made her stomach weak, however, talking with Andy helped her realize she wasn't necessarily in the wrong. But leaving was probably not the best decision the Doctor had ever made either.

The short brunette woman explained how she had taken it when Maya had first enlisted in the marine corps. How she spent days in her room and refused to speak to the marine, just so she could process. Once she had gathered her thoughts and understood that Maya couldn't really do anything about it, that it was her job, Andy spent that night crying in the now lieutenant's arms. The Doctor figured after her shift at the hospital she'd go and apologize to her marine. From what she'd been told, Maya had taken it pretty hard and misunderstood Carina's intentions.

The young doctor pulled her lab coat over her scrubs and laced her stethoscope around her neck before reporting for rounds with Doctor Avery, the attending plastics surgeon. Today she'd hopefully get to scrub in on the reconstruction of a burn victim. Although plastics wasn't her intended speciality she still enjoyed how it worked it's own magic. She was happily surprised when the victim ended up being a nine year old boy by the name of Colton.

"Deluca, present please." Avery smiled to the young Doctor before looking back at the blonde haired boy.

"Colton Chambers, age nine, burned in a house fire two years ago and today we are fixing up those scars." She happily stated while scanning the boy in the bed as he smiled. His burns had been third degree, only on his arms and legs, but enough to bother him when people would question them. Carina felt for this boy, he was so young but had endured so much within a short time.

"Perfect, thank you Doctor Deluca." Avery continued explaining their surgical plan to Colton's mother and they continued to the next patient. Neither of the two they visited next were having surgery that day but, she enjoyed learning their cases.

Finally lunch time came and she couldn't have been more thankful. The small brunette was starving and enduring a full two hours with her fellow intern, Amelia Shepherd, was painful enough to work up an impeccable appetite. When Carina entered the break room she came across a bouquet of white roses, one of her favourites, with a small card in her cubby, as well as a take-out bag from Starbucks alongside a large caramel latte that read 'Pretty Girl'. She took the card in her hands already knowing who it had been from, her eyes focused on the handwriting as she read.

Dear love, (aka Carina )

As far as grand gestures go this was about the only thing that I could think of within twenty-four hours of brainstorming that wouldn't embarrass you in front of your peers or make you the centre of attention. I know you hate that kind of thing and I wouldn't want to make things worse.

So, first and for most, I want to apologize for the other morning. I handled it really unprofessionally as a seasoned marine and I let you leave without giving you a proper explanation as to what me being deployed means for us.

Secondly, I'm aware that you're not sure what this is, what I mean by 'us', and when I come back do we just pick up where we left off. Well to answer that question, I've been yours since the moment I laid eyes on you back in my Junior year in high school. That Mayday Parade hoodie and those ripped jeans caught my eye, then some dufus knocked your books out of your hand and I helped you pick them up. You smiled at me and I instantly felt at ease. I fell for you right then and there, and truth is I'm still falling. So, I guess the questions is, Carina, I've always been yours, I just need to know if you'll be mine?

Photograph ( Marina )Where stories live. Discover now