Chapter Five

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For the first time, Maya slept soundly and was awoken by warm breath caressing the back of her neck at the comfortable time of nine am. No nightmare had graced the blue-eyed girl's dreams that night. She had fallen asleep to the sound of the women breathing next to her and watching the rise and fall of her body as she settled into fatigue. This was unusual. The last time she had slept peacefully was almost two years ago-before leaving for her first tour. Noticing the weight of the thought to be smaller woman's arm wrapped around her waist, Maya immediately rolled to face the younger brunette. Unfortunately, she was met with Enzo's brown orbs instead. Panic washed over the dark-haired women as soon as she realized she was alone. She hopped out of bed quickly and approached her kitchen, Enzo following closely behind. There, a freshly brewed pot of coffee had been made and a note had been left beside Maya's favourite Duke University mug. Grimacing slightly she brought the note to her face and allowed her eyes to focus on the barely legible handwriting. 

Dear Lieutenant,      

I'm not sure there's any possible way to repay you for your hospitality and care last night but please know it is absolutely appreciated. It was wonderful, and you, you are wonderful. You're so caring and amazing and I can't believe that I was lucky enough to be that close to you.     

Before I begin rambling, I'm sorry I had to cut out early. I had a meeting at 8:30 and I needed to talk to my attending about my program! And about that date tonight, text me with whatever ideas you may have and if they're impressive enough you might just get yourself a lovely evening with yours truly. ;) 

1(704) 369-0327

Thanks again, 

Carina xo 

P.S there's coffee made for you and I already fed your doggy :)     

Smiling to herself now, Maya poured a cup of the dark bitter liquid that resembled the younger woman's eyes and went to grab her phone from the night side table. After unlocking it she realized there were no notifications except Troy confirming Andy had made it home safely. While walking back out to the kitchen she leaned against the counter and sat her mug down as she entered the brown-eyed girl's number in her phone.    

Maya:You're a sneaky one aren't you, pretty girl?    

Carina : Lieutenant? :D    

Maya: That's me aha, but I'd rather you call me Maya :)    

Carina : Aha okay, Maya :) Sorry about that I had a hospital thing this morning I forgot about but as soon as I'm done here and if your idea of a date is as amazing as I hope it to be, I'll be all yours.    

The young bartender was blushing tremendously in that moment. Not only had she had the best night of her life the previous night, but she had finally spoken to her, she had finally spoken to Maya Bishop. Former captain of both the varsity soccer and basketball team as well as the doe-eyed nursing student's high school heart throb. However due to being one of the outsiders, Carina only caught glimpses of the blue-eyed women every so often, and sometimes in class when paired for group work. During her years of high school, she stayed pretty focused on her studies, but after one day in her sophomore year when she dropped her books due to a meat-headed football player, a certain blue-eyed girl had helped her back up. Well, to be frank, Carina hasn't seen anyone past her since.    

Maya: I was hoping it could be a surprise, but I promise it'll be great. I won't let you down! Promise    

Carina:You make it hard for a girl to say no    

Maya:Perfect, send me your address and I'll pick you up at seven :)    

She'd be lying if she said she wasn't ecstatic, however she'd also be lying if she said she wasn't one bit nervous. Maya was some sort of  God in the nursing students eyes. A marine of pure loyalty and chivalry in all senses of the words. Like she asked if she could kiss her, if that wasn't sweet as hell then what was?        

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