Chapter Twelve

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A/N- Your welcome, Goodnight lovelies <3

She didn't know if it was the snow or simply the way the remaining Christmas lights that made Carina's brown eyes shine in a way she hadn't seen before. Easily captivating to say the least and Maya was simply falling harder with each minute that passed. The endearing way the smaller woman held onto the lieutenant's arm made her stomach do flips, and the way she looked up after almost falling with that clumsy smile of hers, it made the marine's heart swell.

The blue-eyed woman's jacket proved to be of good use for a pillow for Carina , considering her head stayed glued to the marine's shoulder and rested on the soft military green material. Their arms were linked together and it felt like this was how things were supposed to be, just the two of them, without much of a care in the world. But unfortunately neither could give into that temptation considering the weight of their careers. Maya protected their country, while Carina did her absolute best to save the lives of it's children from sickness.

There was a sickness she couldn't cure though and that was Maya's . The marine's PTSD and the violent events that haunted her; about which Carina knew little. Her touch alone caused the blue-eyed lieutenant's pain to ease, her presence worked miracles, and that was something Maya was eternally grateful for. Carina suddenly noticed how quiet the marine was being and made a move to start conversation.

"What's on your mind?" She asked softly, careful not to push too hard. Meanwhile the blue eyes looked back down at her own and a smile graced Maya's lips.

"I was just thinking how it feels like this is the way things are supposed to be. With you and me, I mean. I'm just happy." Her lips pulled back to show a pearly white smile and Carina soon matched it while squeezing the taller woman's arm in appreciation. She knew there was more going on in Maya's mind than she was willing to admit, but she'd save that for another time.

"So am I. Very happy." The brunette whispered before kissing the marine's cheek. The two did another round around the small outdoor rink, then made their way to take their skates off, and head to the other attractions. Maya laughed mildly to herself as she pictured how she had to tie the smaller woman's skates earlier and Carina blushed in embarrassment. It wasn't that she didn't know how to tie them, it's just she could never get them tight enough. And well, after watching the nursing student struggle for over ten minutes, Maya just gave in and did it for her. Carina wasn't complaining, mostly because watching Maya get down on one knee even if it only was to tie her skates, made her heart flutter and imagine if one day they'd be in the same position for a different reason. It also made her think that Maya was her 'Prince Charming', she was Cinderella, and the shoe fit. So the blush on her face was the cause of much more than anyone could have known.

Now they walked through the small path that was lit up with beautiful white lights that led to the next spot on Maya list. The games. Now, being overly competitive was something that coursed through her veins, not only when it came to sports but also the most childish games you could possibly think of as well. Carina used to find it quite adorable when the now marine pulled on her game face during warm up for basketball and found it equally as hilarious when she won, celebrating with a victory dance. Immediately, the lieutenant spied the giant stuffed elephant and waited for Carina to see it as well. When she did, another squeal escaped her lips and Maya was now being tugged to the game table. Luckily, it was one of those pathetic games where you just had to knock over the bottles with a ball in order to win. However, since Carina was also very determined to win, the lieutenant allowed her to take a go at it.

The older man handed the small brunette three tennis balls and smiled politely while Maya cringed at the idea of Carina being even a little athletic. The proper way to explain how the whole thing went down would be comparing it to a penguin trying to fly. Well, since she basically fell completely on her face after the first round.

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