Chapter Nineteen

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After getting Andy's appointments scheduled and everything situated, Carina took off to her locker to get ready for her shift. Maya gave her a quick kiss goodbye and headed out to Waffle House with the girls to celebrate the news. Andy joined her in the truck and they followed Vic and Travis down the street to the shortest of the groups favourite place on earth. Once seated the waitress came over with their menu's and gave Maya a once over followed by a smile before leaving. All of this going unnoticed by Maya but for Vic, it happened in slo-mo.

"Oh hell to the no, I know that bitch did not just check you out." Vic grumbled as she scanned the menu. "Girl got a big storm coming if she think she got a chance."

"I honestly didn't notice." Maya looked down to her phone and smiled softly at the message Carina had sent her just minutes before.

Italian Goddess: Hey bambina, just wanted to thank you for everything last night. It was perfect. You, were perfect and I couldn't ask for better. I love you so much, I hope you guys have a good brunch. See you later tonight :)

Maya took a moment to re-read the text over again before replying.

Maya: I'm glad you liked it :) I love you too, I hope you have a good shift and if that Levi guy tries anything, just remind him who you're dating. ;) Love you baby, see you later.

When the lieutenant looked up from her phone, all eyes were on her. Vic gave her a grin as she raised her eyebrows, Travis made a face as if he was waiting for the marine to explain, and Andy gave her an honest smile.

"Spill." The Polish-American broke the staring contest and awaited for Maya to tell them how things were going between her and the doe-eyed Doctor. They, like Carina, could read her like a book and frankly there was nothing to really hide at this point. She was happy and in love. "How are you and carina?"

"Yeah, like after what happened Friday. Is everything okay?" Andy added, just as interested as the others.

"More than okay." Maya confessed as she set her menu down. "I told her I loved her last night, before I got the call from Trav and well before you know."

"So you did sleep together!" Travis joined in now as he looked up from the menu and set it aside.

"And she said it back, obviously, knowing carina anyways. That girl has been in love with you since the very beginning." The tallest of the group smiled towards her best friend, knowing that she was finally feeling the happiness she deserved. "And you've been the same with her, it's so fulfilling to see you two finally find each other." The other two nodded in agreement as they took in the way Maya had come back to the girl she had been before getting deployed for the first time. Carina had been the reason for it, Maya's new found ease and happiness, and the girls couldn't have been happier to be witnessing it.

"Thanks Vic." Lauren put her hand over the younger woman's and smiled in thanks to each of them. "Yeah, we kinda slept together but I think I could've done better. I don't think it was special enough and I should've taken more time to show her just how much I love her before just, you know, going for it. So I'm planning on taking her out to Abuelo's Ranch for Valentine's day weekend, so this weekend."

"Mai, you get deployed Monday." The tall man spoke calmly, trying not to make it sound like he was disapproving of the idea. he wasn't, he thought it was really sweet of Maya to go through all of that to show Carina how much she meant to her. But she couldn't help but think a weekend together like that would make it harder for the Doctor to let the blond-haired marine go. "I'm just thinking, what if it makes it harder for you two to say goodbye at the airport? I mean we know it's going to be rough and watching Carina cry is going to break each of our hearts but we're used to you going. Carina's not and I'm worried a beautiful weekend with you being all ranch hand and romantic would make it harder for her to let you go."

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