Chapter Ten

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When twelve-thirty finally arrived Andy was already waiting in the cafeteria with a bright smile on her face. The older woman had yet to find out about the last two days of the brunette's life with the marine. She had no clue how the other night went or anything yet and Carina thought it'd be best to discuss over some lunch. The shorter woman stood up and hugged her before they both sat down. Thankfully there had been leftovers from last night's dinner with Maya , so she didn't have to buy today and Andy had already grabbed herself a sandwich and coffees for the both of them.

"Alright Carina, spill! I can see the happiness radiating from your dang smile, now tell me. Oh, did she kiss you?" The small business student pried and took a sip of her coffee before continuing. "Or is she playin'? I swear to god if she's playin'-"

"Hey, relax! She's just as incredible as I remember her to be. And no she hasn't kissed me yet because the other night I told her I wanted her to be sure she wanted me before she did and well, she's stuck to it. Given it's only been two days I'm not too worried but seriously all I want is her to kiss me. Then I'll know." Carina took a bite of the leftovers then awaited the business student's response. She nodded and took another sip of her coffee before speaking.

"Have you told her yet? That you're the girl from high school?" That seemed to be the million dollar question. Truth was she had no idea whether the marine had noticed yet or if she should just lay it all out on the table. She didn't want to ruin what they had built over the past couple of days but she didn't want to risk damaging their relationship later on down the road. She took a swig from her coffee and sighed deeply.

"No I haven't." She answered shamefully. "Truth is I don't know how, and I know I need to before we go any further but Andy, I just got her back. I can't lose her again." The stress was evident on Maya's face and the blonde woman placed a hand over the nursing student's.

"Trust me carina, you won't." She gave her friend a sympathetic smile and rubbed the back of her hand supportingly. "To be honest for a marine, I'm surprised she hasn't noticed herself. Seriously, that girl is trained to remember faces and she can't seem to put her finger on who you are. It's hilarious."

"Well to be fair I've changed a lot since then and she has been gone for awhile too." Carina giggled at the thought of the blue-eyed lieutenant. "I mean I don't wear my glasses unless it's nighttime anymore and my hair is longer, morning yoga did wonders, and so did puberty. So I can't really blame her for not noticing, hell you guys didn't even know who I was before I had to put on my glasses in class."

"Touche Deluca." Andy snicked and reached for her coffee cup once more after finishing her sandwich. "Look at you being all supportive of your girl."

"She's not my girl." Carina blushed before repeating the older girls actions.

"Yet." Andy muttered and smirked at how red the brunette's cheeks had gotten. "Are you guys doing anything tonight?"

"Um. Yeah she's picking me up tonight at my place and she said she has some sort of surprise for me. I'm actually kind of nervous for it."

"Awh I've never seen Maya so interested in someone, consider yourself lucky if she's going all out for you." Carina chuckled at the older woman's response. Maya was caring but rarely ever showed it to anyone so it was wonderful for her to be showing so much affection in such a short amount of time. After they both finished off their lunch they hugged goodbye and Andy headed to her afternoon economics class. On her way back to the pediatrics unit her phone vibrated in her scrubs pocket and she laughed when she saw it was Maya .

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