Chapter Eighteen

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Later, after Maya returned from her coffee adventure, Carina smiled at the marine who had visibly calmed down. The lieutenant smiled back weakly and took the seat next to Vic instead of making her way over to where the Doctor was. Travis was currently explaining something to Vic for his Commerce course and neither noticed the blond-haired woman's return. Although the lieutenant had two coffees in hand, she was too stubborn to simply hand it to her girlfriend. In the marine's mind, Carina could easily come get the drink if she wanted it, and she continued to stare at her feet instead of making eye contact. A muffled giggle came from where the brunette sat, making blue eyes flicker up slightly as her small figure came into sight.

"I got you a coffee." Maya murmured, trying to stay neutral but failing miserably the moment she actually looked up.

"I see that you dork, thank you." Carina was wearing a knowing smile and took the cup from Maya before grabbing her hand. "Come on."

"Why?" Maya sighed scooting to the edge of the chair. "Where we going?"

"I'm going to prove to you that there's really nothing to be jealous about. Levi's just a friend and just in case you forgot, I love you, idiot." Carina chuckled at Maya's shocked expression, had she not known how painfully obvious she had been? Probably not, she's too used to being stealthy... just not when it came to her jealousy. Obviously.

"Oh, you noticed?" She kinked her eyebrow, wondering if Carina had really known why the exchange between her and Levi bothered her so much. Either way she continued to tow the marine along to the break room she usually ate lunch in, and took a seat on the couch after closing the door behind them. Maya stood, unsure if sitting next to Carina would be a great idea in the moment. But she couldn't deny she wanted to be close to the woman she loved.

"Maya, bambina, it was obvious." The Doctor patted the spot next to her and Maya decided to give in. "Why did that bother you so much?" Deep brown eyes were now focused on her own, in a quiet space with just the two of them. Maya knew there was no hiding from Carina , it was simply impossible, so she relaxed into the couch and ran a hand through her hair.

"It's kind of an irrational reason now that I think of it. Stupid really." Maya admitted shyly and wrapped her arm around Carina's shoulders as she looked at the sealing. "And I love you too." Those three words made Carina melt like no other. In that moment she could have just ignored the problem and snuggled closer but decided against it and continued questioning the marine.

"Irrational how?" She put her chin on the lieutenant's shoulder while silently begging for Maya to just voice how she was feeling.

"Because, in the back of my mind there's this part of me that's so scared that when I get deployed, you'll find someone better. Someone that's, you know, here." She sighed and brought her thumb and index finger to the bridge of her nose while avoiding eye contact. She felt Carina's shoulders dropped the moment it left her mouth, but it was the truth. "See I told you it was stupid."

It wasn't an irrational fear, Maya had heard multiple stories of how some of the marines' wives had cheated on them while they were away. Horror stories of it all; marriages breaking apart at the hands of a letter informing the marine on duty that his wife of five years had found someone new. Even how a friend of hers had gone home early and unannounced to find another man in his bed. She knew Carina wasn't that kind of girl, she knew that the brunette cared for her deeply, but it scared her nonetheless.

"Are you really scared I'll leave you?" The smaller woman's voice was filled with concern. There had to be someway to prove that she was the lieutenant's, and only hers.

"Yeah. I really am." She brought Carina closer to her body and allowed the younger woman to cuddle into her. "But I know you won't, it's just an intruding thought. You're an amazing woman Carina, there's no denying it. I question how I ever got so lucky to get this second chance with you every single morning when I wake up and then again before I fall asleep. You're intelligent and kind in every sense, beyond the limits of beautiful. Ethereal, if you will. Too perfect for the world, delicate, and light." Taking a breath, Maya paused to gather the right words. "Carina, anyone on the face of this planet would be extremely blessed to be with someone such as yourself. Truth be told, sometimes I wonder if I even deserve the happiness you bring me. But regardless, I love you. Every single thing about you and the thought of losing you terrifies me more than this war ever could."

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