Chapter Eight

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After searching for what seemed like an hour, Carina finally decided on watching The Lucky One, of course, with a little of convincing Maya was down for it as well.

"Isn't this a marine movie? Why would you want to watch that?" She had asked genuinely interested in the smaller woman's answer.

"It makes me feel better about you going away." The prospective nurse answered thoughtfully. "The fact that the photograph kept him safe, I don't know. It gives me faith that maybe mine would keep you safe too."

With that Maya's heart melted and she couldn't hold out for much longer and caved. Carina clicked on the film then reclaimed her spot in the marine's strong arms and nuzzled her face back into the crook of the blue-eyed lieutenants neck.

Maya sighed deeply, she knew this movie would cause at least some sort of memory to come up in her head, the blonde-haired woman held onto Carina tightly. She'd handle it, to make the girl in her arms happy. However, now she wasn't sure. Soon the opening of the movie began and the night raid scene emerged. Maya was sent back into the war zone she thought she had escaped. She ended up telling Carina she was going to get popcorn and put the dishes in the washer. But as soon as she entered the kitchen, the wave of emotion came rushing over her. The dishes clashed in the sink and she fell to her knees shaking violently at the memory.

"Hey are you-" Before Carina got the words out the scene in front of her began to unravel. Maya was curled up with her head between her knees as she shook violently, muttering incoherent sentences. The brown-eyed girl approached the marine without taking a minute to understand what was happening, and in one swift motion the lieutenant had pinned her to the wall. One hand on her chest, the other enclosing her wrists above her head, and she searched the green eyes for the Maya she knew but was only met with a blank expression. When blood began dripping from the light-haired woman's nose, Carina finally understood that the lieutenant was having a PTSD attack. So she began thinking of ways to catch her attention.

"Maya," She started, "look at me." When she didn't get a response and the marine's grip tightened she began to plead. "Maya, bambina, please, look at me." Maya's eyes finally met the nursing student's as she began to loosen the hold. "Bambina, it's okay it's me. Carina."

"Maya, bambina, listen," Carina said sternly. "Look at me. Now."

"Car-" Maya began, but stopped once the blood coming from her nose reached her mouth. She let go of the brunette's hands immediately once she awoke from her daze, as well as retracting the other from her chest. Now placing both on either side of the nursing student's head at least six inches away, and looked down to her feet. Once Carina's hands were free she wrapped them around Maya's strong abdomen, then nuzzled her face into her marine's neck.

" Shh, bambina it's okay, you're home. I'm here now. I'm here." Carina whispered softly against the skin of Maya's neck as the tension disappeared from the soldier's body. "I'm here."

"Carina, I'm so, I'm so sorry." The light-hair woman exhaled shakily. "I don't know what came over me. I was just watching the movie and came in here, then the memory. It just hit me." 'Maya rested her chin on top of the students head as she spoke. "I'm so sorry."

"Shh, just take a minute and breathe. It's okay, I'm okay you didn't hurt me. But what memory?" She asked timidly while leaning into the marinw more, to prove she wasn't running away. After a pregnant pause, Maya finally placed a kiss to Carina's forehead and brought her into her arms.

"It's why I'm home." The marine murmured. "I can't talk about it, not now. But when I'm ready, I promise you'll be the first one I come to. But I don't know if you, I mean if you don't want to- uh, see where this goes, I understand. I wouldn't want to be with me either. Not after this."

Photograph ( Marina )Where stories live. Discover now