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Author's POV:
Engineering would be hectic. Back to back tests, one has to get aggregate marks in their internal tests otherwise they are not allowed for final exams. When they give holidays they have to utilise it well, no one knows when the professors will give you another assignment or some other academic work. There won't be enough of free time for engineers.

So without wasting anymore days mew and  his friends planned to go to beach including their 'best friend' Boat... San is still upset with him though. He was the one who was trying to help Boat. Boat was never mean to anyone before. He was acting like that because of his insecurities.

The 4 of them were leaving bankok from mew's place... Run and San came earlier and helping to load the vehicle with essentials. Mew was wearing ripped jeans which covers above the knee, with the tank top and unbuttoned white shirt over it which has a red flower print on it and white sneakers and black sun glasses... He was looking like a model who will be photoshooting for some magazine in the beach. Mew was hoping boat would come with his friends but he came alone.

After everything was done they were about to go...

Mew : didn't you invite Mild?

Boat : No. Usually only four of us used to go to holidays so I didn't invite them.. I don't want to bother you guys...

Boat might choose the words cleverly but san knew... He didn't invite them because he is jealous..

San : ohhh you didn't invite him?... (Turning to mew, raising his eyebrows) if mild is not coming then gulf is not coming... Ohoo so sad...

Mew squinted his eyes towards San, San squinted his eyes back to him.

Mew : what bro?

San : Nothing bro... I'm just saying gulf won't be coming. No need to wait for him...

Mew : I asked about mild not gulf. Why are you stressing gulf's name.

San : I'm stressing his name because he already has a girlfriend. He is straight.

Mew felt a pang on his chest because of San's statement. He didn't know why he felt sad and disappointed. The truth was part of him waited for gulf to show up or thought he would join the trip. Even the girlfriend thing raged him.

Mew : San why are you saying that to me. I don't care whether he has a girlfriend or straight or whatever. I was concerning about Boat. Do you think we made out in the bathroom?😤😤😤... I won't go and make out with random guys like that. Stop with the nonsense.

San : 😟😟😟 bro I didn't mean you both did something.  I know about you well. You're not a kind of guy who hook up in the bar. Sorry...

Mew felt guilt for his outburst. He felt bad about himself to make san apologize...San may seem Nosy sometimes, his words sound like sarcastic but he genuinely care for his friends and he is little extra protective.

Run : so now what? Are we not going to the beach?

Mew & San : -----

Run : I'm gonna kill both of you if you cancel this trip. I really need a break for sometime. We hardly get holidays and you both arguing over silly matter. Please don't do this to me..😒😒

Mew : I am sorry San, we are good. Let's go.

Everything came to normal but Mew was not feeling straight.

Mew : (inside his mind) so, he has a girlfriend... He is straight... He did tell me he is straight... what else I was expecting?? Oh... i was his one time thing... He got scared too.. that's the reason he never replied to my texts... He might regreated later... I should not hope for anything from now on...


It was a 5 days trip. They were enjoying their trip. Here Gulf and Mild were busy with their games and action movies. On the 4th day in the changmai they got a mail from university to submit their major project ideas and to get approval of their guides...

Gulf and mild were really not that tensed. They were aware of the fact that no one ever failed in major projects. Professor may cut some marks if they made any mistakes. Their projects are already done by their seniors though. What is there to worry.

Mild : I'm calling Pi san...

Hello pi san? How are you?

San : I'm fine. What a lucky day... nong remembered me today?

Mild : I missed you pi. You went to beach without me ☹️☹️☹️

San : blame Boat for that. I thought he would invite you otherwise I would have called you to come.

Mild : okay... pi Did you get an email from university?

San : yep... We will come back tomorrow. I'll send you a pdf of the project. You just have to conveince them... you don't need to prepare much... Don't worry about that...

Mild : Thanks pi san.. Gulf wants to talk to pi mew. Is he there?

Gulf : 😱😱😱😱


Author's note:
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