Tool for an Experiment

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When mild said gulf wants to talk to mew, gulf freaked out. His heart started to beat so fastly... then he didn't know what to do so he ran away from his room and locked himself in washroom downstairs. Mild watched him confusingly... On the other side when mew heard san saying gulf wants to talk to him, he got butterflies in his stomach. He just forgot about everything and got very excited and happy. He talked with anticipation.

Mew : g gulf?

Mild : pi this is me mild.

Mew : oh.. 🙁 san told me gulf wanted to talk to me.. 😔

Mild : yes pi!! He wanted to... But his stomach got upset so he went downstairs to use washroom.

Mew : is he in your house? Did he tell anything?

Mild : no pi I have came to his house. Yes he said he wanted the details of the project.

Mew : ohhh ok. that's in my laptop. I'll send that to him once I come back to Bangkok.

Mild : thank you so much pi.

Mew : it's ok. Hey don't disconnect the call. San wants to talk more.

San : Mild. This is me, San. I wanted to tell you that keep 2 dummy project ideas with you... Our guides won't approve any ideas for starting days. You tell about my project at last.

Mild : pi. What if they approve the dummy one?

San : my innocent mild... Tell them some stupid concepts which they won't approve or take two concepts which are already done by your ex seniors. make sure they won't agree.

Mild : thank you pi.

San : your welcome. Anything else? Did you miss anyone? Run or Boat...?

Mild : yes pi. Tell them I'm missing both of them. (That's akward 😅😅)

San : see you.

Mild : see you take care pi.

Then he remembered gulf.

Mild : (in his mind) something is going on between gulf and pi mew. Did something happened that day? Did they do inside washroom or on the way to home? Hmmm let's find out...

Mild : gulf what are you doing inside?

Gulf : what would people do inside the washroom. Wait I'm coming outside.

Mild : we have been waiting for you. Pi mew is still on the phone.. take it
and talk to him.

Gulf eyes widened in shock. He made a face like he saw cockroach or something.

Gulf : I I I haven't finished my business yet. W wait...

Gulf tried to close the door but mild was faster than him. Mild pushed the door and entered inside the washroom handing his mobile phone... Gulf took that slowly... His heart started to beat hard again... His face turned little red.

Gulf : (almost like a whisper) hello pi mew... Hello... Hello. He is not talking... Hello... Mild, call had disconnected.

Mild : I know... There was no call in the first place 🤣🤣🤣🤣..

Gulf : ----

Mild : 🤣🤣🤣 let's go outside. Something is going on between you two. You don't have to tell me.. I'll find it myself. You're bad at maintaining secrets, you know?.... 🤣🤣🤣

Gulf : (in his mind) haha you still don't know that I'm gay. Jokes on you ai sat.
Wait... What if he finds out 😟😟😟? I have to be careful. Su su na gulf.


Mew's POV

Urghhh... I'm trying hard still I can't sleep. Tomorrow we are leaving changmai and going back to Bangkok at 8 AM. It will be a long journey... It's already 1:45 AM.. So if I sleep now I'll get 6 hours sleep. Somehow I can manage. Let's check Gulf's IG.

His stories are full of video games. He is so busy with mild and games.... Doesn't he think about me at all? Here I am struggling to sleep because of him. .

Gulf, do you know... How I felt when san said you wanted to talk to me.. I felt happy, excited, and scared too, later I got disappointed when I heard mild voice😞....

Gulf, is it true what san said?? Am i a tool for an experiment?


In the evening four friends were sat on the sand they were watching the sunset. they had took beer bottles with them.

Run : bro... there is nothing to be scared of... just tell him that you like him.

Boat : bro... What if he rejects me? I can't live without him.... I'm really in love with him.

San : we know that bro. If he rejects you. You have to move on. We are with you.

Boat : being gay sucks, bro ☹️☹️☹️

Run : if you were straight and if any girl had rejected you then We would have told you the same bro...

Boat : I'm ready to do whatever he wants bro...

San : do whatever he wants bro... But don't end up being a tool for an experiment.

Mew : tool for an experiment???

San : you know, some straight men use gays for sex just to know how it feels to have sex with a guy or they want to try something new. They actually doesn't love the other guy. They just use them as some tool.

Mew : oh (damn, that hurts 😔😔).

San : Boat, you deserved to be loved for what you are... There are people who likes you. You should give them a chance. if mild won't accept your love you should forget him and move on. When you said you are ready to do whatever he wants... Don't even think about becoming a tool for his experiment

After that all the four didn't talk any further. They silently watched the sunset... The horizontal reddish orange light has been spreading everywhere, later it turned to deep red, soon it would disappear... Breeze was blowing their hair. weather was warm. Some kids were playing in the sea and they were giggling. It was calm...

Whenever they go to beach one of their favorite thing is to watch the sunset. But this time only run was enjoying the view. Boat and mew were thinking about their crushes. San had a little argument with his girlfriend so he was upset too..

*Flashback ends*

That hurts, gulf. I know I'm not in love with you like boat is in love with mild.

I only had dirty thoughts about you since I saw you for the first time. But I don't know about this feeling. I don't know why I'm jealous. I hate the fact that you have a girlfriend. I hate the fact that she can spend time with you. I hate the fact that you reply to her texts. I hate the fact that you call her...

Sometimes I feel like tying your hands and legs with rope and keep you inside my room for rest of our life. Am I a psycho? 😟😟

You know what, gulf? I don't mind being the experimental tool..


Author's note:
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