Heart Break 💔💔

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Author's POV:

Some of you will think gulf's anger is unreasonable... He did lie to everyone. He tried to hid his identity. He broke Mew's Heart and everything. of course he was selfish and self centred but Let me tell you that Guilt is more intolerable than other pains... It's not easy to lie to your Loved one's and sleep at night peacefully. He did love Mew. but his mom's love and care and father's sacrifices seemed more important. He believed as a son it's his duty to keep them happy. If gulf only knew his father knew that gulf is gay all along and still kept on making homophobic comments. Things would have been different.

Gulf's POV:

Deniel: Where are you going?

Gulf: I don't have to tell you?

Deniel: GULF!!!!

*difficulty in breathing, Sweating, Heart is beating fast, feeling chilled* PANIC ATTACK!!!! No not now!... Gulf slowly breath in breath out.

Deniel: Answer me, Where are you going?

Gulf: told you already. I don't have to tell you but I'm not staying here anymore minute.

Lele: Baby calm down.... We are sorry!!! I just didn't know how to make a conversation with you about this.

Deniel: Lele why are you asking sorry? He is the one to ask sorry. My Blood boils whenever you act like a girl around your friend. What's his name?

Lele: Mew.

Deniel: Oh yeah. Gulf, you are a man... How can you be like this. No one in our entire family behaved like you. You were normal for some years with that girl eyesiwa. What happened to you again? It's all because of him, Mew.

Gulf: It's not because of him. I was gay, i'm a gay and i will always be gay. you hear me, dad? Your son is a gay.

Deniel: How could you??? did you forget How much i worked for your future? I always make sure you have all the best thing? I sacrifices everything for you.

Gulf: You took care of me all this time so that i would take care of you in your old days... isn't it dad? if you really loved me selflessely you would have accepted me as i am. at least you would  never have mock gay people infront of me because you knew I'm one of them. It hurted me so much dad.

Lele: (while crying) Gulf baby... I'm sorry!!! forgive me na 

Gulf: Mom don't cry mom... I'm sorry... I should have told you before. I knew you always love me. but i don't wanna stay here i'll go.

Deniel: So, where do you go? to your faggot friend? to dress up like girls and pretend like you two have boobs and pussy?

Lele: Deniel stop!!!

Gulf: Let him mom... Dad, educate yourself.

Yes. I took all of my clothes, my degree certificates and everything and left my home. This is my first fight with my mom and dad. never thought day like this would come. Now it's already late at night. I have only one person in my mind. I'm going to mew's home. i really hope he would give a place to stay for a while.

Finally i reached his condo. uffff my heart is beating like hell. I can't wait anymore to see him. *knock knock* he will be here any moment. What should i say first? hi? Hello, i left my home i'll stay here with you? What the hell I'm seeing here?

A topless young guy opened the door. His chest was covered with hickeys. He looked Handsome. Gulf couldn't believe his own eyes...  Was he late?

Stranger: Yes?!? want anything?

Gulf: hmmmm *ahem* i I I'm Gulf... I came to visit my friend here?

Stranger: oh, baby your friend is here?

Baby? did he just called my pi'mew a baby? He was not in the place to face Mew but he couldn't run away like that.

Stranger2: Hi. sorry, who are you?

Gulf: not her. I mean Mew, Mew Suppasit.

Stranger: oh bro, He don't live here anymore. he moved to other place. I don't have his address. sorry...

Gulf: OK no problem. I'll call him. Thank you.

What the hell i was thinking. It felt like hell. He is my mew. Mine. I'm not too late. Let's not allow to happen this in real. Once i'll get him this time i never gonna let him go... He is mine. please let it be just me in pi'mew's life.

I texted him to come and take me to his place. I told everything. Even though he said He is sad for me. I can sense him grinning ear to ear. please god. I pray you make this guy love me like this forever no matter what....


Author's Note

This story going to End within 5 to 6 Chapters thanks for reading. Love you all


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