Ugly fight

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Another day in Bang Saen beach.... group of boys were resting on the beachside... the rays of sun were burning the feet and ankles of the boys... Everyone looked relaxed... they have been partying beachside.

Boat: Bro, why are you drinking at this early morning?

Run: Because I'm happy bro... do you know that naya from the bar?

Mew: yeah, that girl you have been texting for months.

Run: yep, she finally said yes to be my girlfriend.

AA: It's a good reason to drink. Let's party...

A group of 6 boys started to drink beer on the beach shore... The atmosphere was humid. Though they sat under the umbrella they were sweating like hell. All were high due to the alcohol.

Mild: so guys... I want to announce my love too....

Everyone:  yayyyyy!!!!

Mild: if i tell about the person I love... You people won't believe me...

Run: We already know that mild.

Mild: you know that?

Run: yes, we know that.

Mild: no pi run you don't know. You won't believe me if i tell you.

Run: we had already believed that, mild.

Mild: no pi run you don't know.

Run : no mild, we know that.

Mew: shut up and announce it already... 😤😤😤

Mild missed his balance and fell on sand immediately Boat went to him worriedly. Mild just grabbed boat's collar and kissed infront of everyone. Everyone cheered for the kiss. Little did mild and boat knew everyone was aware of their relationship.

Mew was happy for his best friend. Year ago boat was struggling to make a conversation with mild. With the help of Run and Aa he finally succeeded to get mild. Seeing his friend face, mew thought to announce his love too. He wanted to shout his and gulf's relationship so loud that the whole world could hear. But he knew gulf won't appreciate the idea. So, he just sat their clapping for his friends happiness.

In the afternoon the boys went to some restaurant to have lunch. Everyone were teasing mild and boat. Mild regretted what he did after he became sober. They sat together at the right side. Opposite to them mewgulf. AA and Run sat at corners

Chefs took lot of time to prepare food

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Chefs took lot of time to prepare food. They were super hungry. They ate like anything when food were served. Everyone was having sea food except gulf since he is allergic to sea food.  Though they were sober to know what are they doing. The effect of alcohol were still on. They forgot about the table manners, they were eating like they were not in restaurant.

Mew was so desperate for gulf. He was trying to make long conversation with gulf. He was also trying hard not to make it obvious. He was getting jealous of mild and boat. When it was about leave the place, seeing mild's hand in boat's hand, mew also held gulf's hand.

Everyone: oyyyyyyeeee

Gulf : what oyyyee. Shut up.

Everyone startled by gulf's voice. Gulf  withdrew his hand from mew's angrily.

Gulf : why did you hold my hand.

Mew : gulf... Hmmm.... Because😶😶😶

Gulf : Whatever. You should remember one thing pi mew "I'm not gay" don't hold my hand like that in public. It's embarrassing...

Mew: 😠😠😠😠 didn't you feel embarrassed when I was fucking you on my bed.

Gulf : PI MEWWWW!!!!

Aa: oho calm down guys, everyone is watching us? this is really embarrassing...

Restaurant Manager: Misters can you go outside and solve your problem please?

Aa: of course. we are leaving right now.

Restaurant Manager: Thank you.

mild and boat took gulf to one side and Aa and run took mew to other side. gulf decided to leave the place as soon as possible. his breathing was uneven due to the panic. he was worried that everyone have found out he is gay. Soon he got panic attack.

Aa: Bro what's wrong with you? didn't i tell you he is straight, he has girlfriend and all.. you guys have been having sex? 

Mew didn't has anything to say... he stand silently... he held his head with the realisation that because of his anger he just outed gulf in front of everyone which gulf always been kept as a secret. he lost gulf for ever?!.... gulf never going to forgive him.

Aa: Mew are you OK?

Mew: Yes.

seeing mew expression Aa hugged mew, soon run joined them. Few minutes later Boat came to inform that gulf had a severe panic attack they are taking him home in a cab.

Mew: how is he? where is he?

Boat: Bro it's better if you won't meet him for sometime. he already took his tablet. he is OK now. I'll leave with them... bye guys. sorry mew.(hugged mew)


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