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This is the last day to submit their major project ideas and to get approved by their guides.

Mild : Sorry for you gulf. I'm going now. I'm so nervous now...

Gulf : good luck bro.

Gulf's project was rejected by their guides because it's from IEEE paper of the year 2018. They already have given clear instructions regarding projects. students must choose either 2019 or 2020.

Gulf anxiety started to acting up this is the last day to get approval yet he has no idea what to do. He chose something randomly and went again to convince his guide.

Professor : what is this gulf? We clearly mentioned in the circular that you should select within 2 years papers and come with atleast 3 4 ideas.. but you had come with only one which is from 2018 now you're showing some paper at Last moment which you don't even have an idea about it .. I can't aprove this. Go... take one more day and come welly prepared.

Gulf didn't realise actually his guide told him to come Tomorrow... the thing in his mind now is that today is the last date and he has to get approved. He started to panic.

As time goes by, his heart started to beat harder and harder... He is trying to control his breath but he felt soffocation on his throat. So, he couldn't able to breathe normally. When the guide was giving his paper back... Gulf knew, his hands gonna shiver.

Gulf : (in his mind) oh this is embarrassing... Don't shiver don't shiver... Urghhh... Fucking hand..."

His guide noticed gulf's trembling hand. He immediately saw his face there he saw sweat on gulf's forehead. It was not hot though. gulf's face looked like he is crying but he was not crying. guide didn't know what's happening with gulf. So his guide freaked out...

Guide: Gulf are you OK... I'm sorry 😟😟😟... I didn't mean to upset you. See, you can do this project. I'm approving. 😥😥

Gulf mind went numb all he wanted now is to breathe normally. The staff from the other side came to see what happened. the other professor gave him a glass of water and asked him few questions to distract his mind... Slowly he recovered.

Gulf's guide was not aware of gulf's panic attacks he approved his project and asked him not to worry.

Mild : gulf, lab attender told me you got a panic attack inside the staff room. Are you ok?

Gulf : Yes...

At that time gulf was really embarrassed. when he get sudden panic attacks, people around him gives him worried look. They treat him like incapable person. the people are genuinely worried about him though.. He feels like suffering silently in some loner place is better than look like weak and fragile infront of others. Sometimes after he calmed down people still hold his shoulder while walking him. He wish he could say "no need to hold me I have recovered, now I can walk by myself"

Gulf : don't ask any more questions, mild. My guide approved this. Now we have to find a person to do this. You know I don't know how to code.

Mild : oh my project also got approved. Hey why don't you ask pi mew?... I heard he is so good at coding.

Gulf : I don't want to bother him.


Gulf and mild visited places where they can find people to do it for him. Unfortunately it was late, in 3 4 places they didn't take any since they are already have so much work to do. In one place they asked for much money yet the feedback of that company was not good. Finally gulf gave up

Unknowingly gulf felt happy because he left with no option... He has to ask his pi mew now...

Mild : so you are doing on your own?

Gulf : how do I do? I'm not good at coding. What if I could not do it 😟...

Mild : Don't worry gulf. You can do it. If you have any problem. You can take our senior's help.

Gulf : okay ☺️... Shall I call pi mew

Mild : ohhhh yeahhhh call piiii mewwww😏😏😏

Gulf : he must be busy. I'll call pi san.

Mild : hey I'm just kidding... Call him. Pi san and pi run are doing new project for boat from the scratch. It's already burden for them.

Gulf : you are right...

On call:

Mew : hello gulf. You said they didn't approve my project. What happened now.

Gulf : pi mew I randomly picked one project and they approved it. I have decided to do it on my own. But I'm not sure I can do it. Mild told me to take your help. So I called you.

Mew : sure gulf, I'll help you. We will discuss about it. You come to my home Tommorow.

Gulf : to home?? 👀👀👀

Mew : yeah.. I'll share my address. No, I have work in your area I'll pick you up from your home. Be ready at 11.


Gulf : hello hello pi mew...

Mild: what happened.

Gulf : he disconnected my phone. He said he will help.

Mild : may be he disconnected the call because he doesn't want to help you...

Gulf : no. I think he didn't mind.

Mild : oh okay... All settled then. By the way... From now on you both are going to visit each other's home. May be he will help you inside your room.

Gulf glared at mild

Mild : 😥😥😥 hahaha you said "to home".... Leave that. Let's find some good restaurant. I'm hungry.


Coding : it's a written instructions for computer devices which is in machine language.

Next chapter has 🔞

Author's note:
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