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Melanie's POV
All day I've been thinking about Marshall I couldn't tell you why either he's just been running through my mind. Maybe it's the whole Law suit shit and I'm stressed about it but we're playing the cat and the mouse game.

Yesterday after Marshall left I called Colsons Lawyer I talked to him about the bullshit Colsons pulling and how ridiculous this case is. After almost an hour of persuading Colsons Lawyer he was finally going to tell Colson that the case was going to shit. But it doesn't matter because if he doesn't drop the charges against Marshall than he could just find another Lawyer and we could go from there.

I just feel like the changes of Colson dropping the case are slim. I mean of course he's going to be a dick and try to carry on with the case and make it harder than what it already is. I have no hope for myself anymore I question a lot why I became a lawyer. Maybe this is the reason why I do.

I feel it in my gut and it feels like I'm not ready for commitment, but maybe I'm just scared. I can't trust myself anymore and it's taken me long enough to figure it out.
Ive been sitting my ass here all night watching all these romantic movies, It's just making me feel sad yet very turned on, Jesus I mean I knew Christian Grey was hot but damn. It's now 11:00 pm I need to go to bed I can't keep doing this shit to myself every time I do anything I think about Marshall. It's makes no sense at all but I can't help but think about him.

I can't help but think about the way his lips feel on my skin, the way he cups my face pushing it over. The way his hand fits in mine. I can only think about how gorgeous his baby blue eyes looked into mine. His deep stare makes my heart beat faster and faster. Even the way he dresses makes me go insane over him, it's like he doesn't even try to make himself look good it's just all natural. I can't get over how he smells his scent is intoxicating to me. As well as his ink covered arms that makes him look intimidating.

Fuck I can't do this to myself. I say goodbye to Christian Grey picking up the remote and hitting the shut down button. I walked down the hallway to my bedroom, as soon as I got to my bed I flopped down on it grabbing a pillow while burying my face into it. God I wish this pillow was Marshall I closed my eyes letting out a weak sigh. I couldn't help but feel sad. I've finally figure out the reason for my sadness though. It was because of how much I missed Marshall. I barely knew him but there was something different about him.

The next day at work

My telephone on my desk rang I grabbed it quickly thinking it was Marshall.

"Melanie Jackson's Office" I said excited into the phone

"Hey Miss Jackson, this is Ross Daniels again" Ross Daniels is Colsons Lawyer also known as the guy I've been arguing with for 3 weeks now. "I told Mister Baker that his case was bullshit."

"Alright continue" I say in a sarcastic voice

"He's dropping the charges against Mr.Mathers." As soon as he said that I felt relief, I felt like the world has been lifted off of my shoulders. My jaw was now on the ground I was shocked never in a million years did I think Colson would drop the charges.

"Oh- wow Mr.Daniels, T-thank you." I say picking my jaw up off the floor.

"No thank you for knocking some sense into my head and into his head" he said chuckling "this case was stressing me out and I was about to give up"

"Same here Daniels." I said smiling "well it was nice talking to you."

"Yep you too." He said into the microphone of the phone

And with that I slammed the phone down with the biggest smile on my face. But that smile slowly turned into a frown when I realized that I won't get to see Marshall anymore. It tears me apart to know that I might never see Marshall again after our meeting to tell him about Colson. I sucked up my feelings and picked up the phone dialing his number into it made me feel like this could be the last time I ever do.

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