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Melanie's POV

"So how's you and your boy toy?" Abi asked me taking a small sip of our coffee.

It was now Saturday. The week had been miserable for me besides when I was with 'my boy toy'. I told Abi my week at work was shit over the phone and she told me that we were having a girls day today.

She had set up facials, getting our nails done and shopping. She also wanted to take me out since my birthday was next week from today.

Abi I knew had not been spending her time alone. She hadn't told me that her and who I would think to  be Sebastian had been fucking like rabbits probably. She was in a better mood, a more gitty and goofy mood.

"We're good. We've just been." I paused for a second. "Well you know."  I said.

Abis expression was confused but knowing. You can't tell me she didn't suspect something. But I can suspect something's up with her as well.

"Actually." She leaned against the table with a smirk plastered across her face. "I don't know. Give me details."

I almost spit out my coffee in her face. I can't believe this woman she's worse than me. Saying she's worse than me is an actual understatement if I'm completely honest. I think brutally straightforward would be the words to describe it.

"Details, really?" I asked her.

"Yes. I want all the juicy details." She moved her fingers evilly together.

This woman is going to be the absolute death of me.

That's probably the same thing Marshall thinks about me 90 percent of the time as well. Except he doesn't put up with Abi like I do. He mostly only has to put up with me so he got lucky in that aspect.

"Okay so." I folded my hands together resting them on the table. "Last night Marshall blindfolded me and stuffed a gag ball into-."

Abi cut me off. Thank god honestly I don't want her to hear the rest of Marshall's wet dream.

"Nevermind." She leaned back in her chair across from me.

"He told me he loved me." I blurted out.

A smile came across Abis face. "You guys are going to get married."

"Don't jump too ahead of yourself."

It's not like I haven't thought about me and Marshall getting married and having a future together. I think about it a lot actually. I think he wants to get married. Hopefully he does anyway. I know I would marry Marshall, I wouldn't Marry him this instant but I know I want to Marry him if wants to marry me.

We still need to talk about it. It's scary bringing up the topic of it even though we love each other. He's told me about his Marriage with Kim and his experiences with Alaina, Hailie and Whitney. Marshall has children already but I don't and I know I want children. Not a lot of them. But maybe just two of them would be perfect.

"And you're going to have so many babies." Abi smiled brightly

"Shut the fuck up." I spoke towards her sternly.

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes

"How's yours?" I asked Abi referring to Sebastian.

I'm really happy for Abi to know that she's in a good relationship. When me and Marshall went on a double date with them he seems really sweet and affectionate towards Abi. And him and Marshall got along so that's a plus. Even though all they did was talk about football and basketball.

I don't understand the hype.

"He's good." Abi giggled and I could see that her cheeks were reddening.

This girl can't fool me at all. I've know her for 16 years if she thinks she can trick me than she's even dumber than I perceive her to be.

"Just good?" I asked in a sarcastic confused tone.

"Yeah we're good." Abi took a sip of her coffee again. "You know this coffee is really good. We need to come here more often." She spoke biting on the straw.

"Don't try to change the subject. I know you're getting laid." I spoke bluntly.

Abi gasped. "Well I don't kiss and tell."


Me and Abi had been walking around the mall for an hour now. She took me to bath and body works and got her a perfume from my birthday and then dragged me into Victoria Secret and tried to make me by lingerie for Marshall.

That's not happening.

"Melanie look at that dress!" Abi gasped grabbing onto my shoulders turning me to the window in front of a small dress store. "You would look so good in that."

It was a silver glittery dress. It was gorgeous. I think I just fell in love. I don't know if it would be my style though.

"I don't know Abi, it's not really my style." I shook my head.

"Humor me."

Before I knew it she grabbed onto my wrist and started running while pulling me into the store with her. What a lack of decency. We walked in and she saw the dress. She yanked it off the hook and waved it in front of my face.

I grabbed the price tag of the dress and my eyes went wide. The numbers were 300. I might have a good job and make decent money but there is no way in hell that I can afford to buy a 300 dollar dress. I have   two cats at home I have to feed. Plus a Marshall I have to feed.

"Abigail. This is 300 dollars." I looked her dead in the eyes "There's no way that I'm going to buy this."

Abis face had a wide tight lip smile before she started chuckling.

"What?" I asked "what's so funny?"

"Between you and me, Marshall gave me cash and told me to take you out and get whatever you want while he got you your birthday present." She giggled.

"No, no way I'm not letting Marshall pay for this."

"Yes you are, now go try it on." Abi put the dress and my hand and pushed me toward the dressing room.

Even though I was pissed at Abi for making me try this on I was a little bit upset with Marshall for gesturing to spend so much money on me. I literally offered to pay for the Taco Bell the other night and he wouldn't let me pay for it.

I tried on the dress and turned around to look in the mirror. My jaw dropped. This dress was gorgeous, I think I like it better on me than when it's just hanging on the hanger. I'm never taking it off.

The dress had spaghetti straps that wrapped around to my back where the straps crossed over in a zig zag pattern. The dress was straight across the top showing some of my breast. There was a slit from the bottom up until my upper thigh.

Abi knocked on the dressing room door with a smile on my face I opened up the door and her jaw dropped like mine when I first saw the dress on me.

"You look fucking hot." She spoke straightforward.

"It's perfect I love it."

"Marshall's gonna love it to when he's getting you out of it." Abi aggressively winked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

A/N: thank you so much for reading! It means so much to me.

Word count: 1246

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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