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Marshall's POV
Ms. Jackson- OutKast

Everything felt different. There was some that made me do what I did to Melanie. She was different. I have no clue whatever possessed my mind to go out with her nor to take her home drunk and then fuck her when she's hungover.

She was one of the women that wasn't a groupie around me. She wasn't one of them who used me. But what the fuck. She was my lawyer now she's laying next to me in my bed.

She seemed like a girl who wouldn't take no for an answer and a girl who would take no shit from anyone. She was bold, outgoing, funny, witty and holy hell I found keep going on and on.

On another half, I barely know her. I know her as my lawyer and the girl that parties to much and gets drunk. Then I'm the guy who takes her back to my place and sleeps with her.

But another part of me makes me feel like we have a connection to each other. It's so hard to explain. My emotions are mixed. I felt like we were almost the same person.

Yeah it's probably because she's 17 years younger than me and she's basically still a kid. But how the hell does a bond like this happen at random. I don't know what to do about it. We barely know each other and we slept together. I took advantage of her. Jesus I took advantage of her. What the hell is possessing my mind?

She laid next to me with her fingers making patterns on my bare chest. Strands of hair fell over her face making her look gorgeous. Her dark blueish grey eyes shimmered. She had a smirk on her face. A devious one.

"Melanie I'm so sorry." I said in a quite tone. She moved her hand off of my chest and rest her self on her arms.

"What do you mean?" She asked in a confused tone. I didn't know what to do now I didn't want to say I took advantage of her and then she defends me saying that I didn't even though I know I what I did was not right.

Don't be a pussy Marshall fucking say it.

"I took advantage of you." I signed. She went to go speak but before she could I put my thumb on her lips silencing her. "Don't." I said calmly and quite. "I know what I did and I'm sorry. I should have just taken you home and not to my place. This wouldn't have ever happened. We wouldn't be in the same bed after sleeping with each other. None of this would have happened."

"Marshall you didn't take advantage of me. You would only be taking advantage of me I told you no. So don't say that. Don't put yourself down." She said staring deeply in my eyes. 

"Are you sure?" I asked for reassurance.

"Yes, I'm sure."

She barely could finished sentence before I flipped her over and I was on top of her again. I let out a giggle which one of the cutest thing I have ever seen.


"Mel?" I asked her as she got up from my bed while she was putting on my shirt.

"Yeah?" She asked in a quiet tone looking back at me.

"Go out with me again." Please say yes. I will have a mental break down if you say you say no.

"Demanding aren't we Mathers?"

"Very." I said siting my self up on my arms. "Please it doesn't have to be a fancy date. Come on we could get Chinese food, No dresses, no tuxedos-." Before I could finish she cut me off.

"Since when have you ever wore a tux?" She asked sarcastically getting up and styling her hair into a messy bun.

"Solid point. Please though."  I said basically whining.

"Fine you big baby. But you have to take me home so I can get ready."

"But I don't want you to leave." I spoke in a dramatic tone.

"Marshall I have more conditions. We have to get Chinese food, you have to pick me up, and we have to watch the old episodes of the Beverly Hills real housewives."

"I'll do the first but I'm not watching the old episodes of the real housewives. I've watched all of them with Hailie." I said rolling my eyes.

"Marshall you're so perfect. You've watched all of it and I have too so we can't spoil anything for each other."

"What was there to spoil that shit is boring."

"How is it boring when Camile divorces Kelsey because he cheated on her with a 29 year old and when Taylor husband kills him self a month after she filed for divorce?"

"Go get your ass in the car. I'm sick of you already."

She giggled and walked out of the room flipping me the bird.

She's so fucking adorable. I'm keeping her. Like a dog.

I got dressed and walked out of the door to the car which she was already in. I opened the door and as soon as I did I almost died from a stroke. She had her phone connected Bluetooth in the car and she was blaring "oops I did it again" by Brittany spears.

"Turn that shit off else I'm not driving you home."

She grinned at me and turned the music up.

"TURN THAT SHIT OF MEL." I yelled but she just danced around. About a few seconds later she paused the music.

"I'm sorry did you say something I was to busy listening to the bitch who dresses trashy for the VMA's" she said with a shit eating grin. "Here is this better?" She asked turning on Ms. Jackson.

As soon as I heard it I jumped into the car and put it in drive.

"Get ready for this shady."  What was she talking about? Before I knew it the chorus of the song came on and she was singing it. "I'm sorry Ms.Jackson oooooo I am for real never meant it make your daughter cry I apologized a trillion times!"

This is torture. Peer, brutal, torture. Somebody lock me a white room I would feel more sane. This bitch is giving me a headache.

She stopped after the chorus. Thank god. Girl can't sing. I can't say that to her face. She would torture me more with singing Brittany. I can already hear the "Baby can't you see I'm calling." Just the thought of her singing that gives me nightmares.

While my hand was on the stick driving I felt her hand slowly reach around mine. Her hand touching mind gave me shivers down my spine. She held onto my hand as I drove down the street. Finally we got to her house.

"Bye shady." She leaned over and kissed my check.

"Bye melly." She grinned and winked at me as she closed the car door.

I watched her walk in the door. I'm so clingy. She waved at me once she got into her house. I pulled out of her driveway and started down the street again.

I missed her. Even though she tortures me. Now I'm going to go home and sit there like an old hag. Fuck.

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