chapter 48

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Due to the plane crash...

She read the place over and over again

Please No! No please!!!!! Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! She yelled crying. So that was why he was telling her that if he dies before her, she shouldn't let his grievance stop her from moving on with her life. No!  She needs to check all the hospitals she know

She just called the driver since she knows she can't drive in this condition. The driver called to tell her that he's outside but she didn't even pick the call neither did she look at the phone. She just went out of her office. She bumped into karima and Islam. On normal basis she would have hugged them and ask Islam why she didn't inform her about her coming. But not now, She just passed walking absently like she's about to fly and she ignored them even after hearing them calling her. A maroon G-wagon was already parked there. Thou she didn't even give the car a good look, but she knows it's their car since there's KM plate no. She just hopped into the back sit but someone also hopped in after her. It was Islam.

"What's wrong Muna?" What happened? She questioned with surprise

"There...was...a.... Pl.....plane.....Crash" she said with trembling lips

"Yes? I know. Emirate Airline From Nigeria to Larnaca. what happened?"

"Ya... Na... Seer... Went.. On that flight Islam"  Said Muna busting into a cry

"Ya ilahi! Are you sure?"

"Am sure Islam. He went on that flight and I heard that there was a survival so I'm trying to check all the hospitals I know"

"But the survival is dead Muna"  Said Islam tears welling up in her eyes

"Ya Naseer is not dead Islam! He isn't dead!!!! " She yelled with bloodshed eyes. She buried her face in her palms and sobbed. Islam muttered something to the driver and the driver drove away. Islam manage to convince Muna to stop crying and she kept drawing circles with her hand on Muna's back while Muna kept hiccupping. Islam is trying so hard to hold back her own tears. If this is what would happen to Muna after finally being happy,  then she would say life is not fair at all to Muna
They arrived at a hospital so both of them jumped out of the car. The driver watched them disappearing into the Hospital. wiping the lone tear that escaped his eye, he remembered in the morning before he took him to Airport how Muna didn't want Naseer to leave. His phone rang and he brought it out from his pocket.

His brow drew in confusion as he saw the caller ID

"Oh shit! The driver's gone" He exclaimed hands Akimbo. He brought out his phone to call the driver but was stopped by a voice.

"Yo guy!!!" Exclaimed a voice which Naseer yawed his gaze to where the voice was coming from.

"Mubarak!!!" He also exclaimed hitting his hand with his palm which they call shaking hands. The two old friends hugged each other.

"Mubarak long time!! I lost your contact and you didn't bother to look for me"

"Hmm Naseer I also lost your contact but it doesn't matter since I am here"

Naseer shook his head in agreement
"So you came back just now?"

"Mhmm. What are you doing here?"

"I have a meeting in Cyprus but unfortunately I missed flight"

"Oh OK so how's everything?"

"Men everything is pretty fine"

"Do you know that am getting married?" Asked Mubarak

"You serious!!! Who's the lucky lady?" Asked Naseer

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