Chapter 2

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My dear, dear classmates and friends. You have absolutely no idea but your incessant noise amidst my roaring headache (thank you for increasing it, I really appreciate) has given me the idea to write this chapter.

So thanks, or something.
Love ya!

God knows how long I was standing there with a piece of paper in hand, staring at empty space. Jade had probably assumed I was crazy. Maybe I was, I had to have been imaging what I just saw.

"Skye come on, snap out of it." She said waving her hands in my face to break my trance.

"What? Huh?" I asked dumbly. She face palms.

"Why are you staring there like an idiot, and why were you talking to him."

"What do you mean by him, why did you say it like that?"

"I asked first?" She barked, slightly scaring me.

"Fine, fine," I say raising my hands in surrender. "I'll tell you."

Five cupcakes and five minutes later, I had managed to give Jade the explanation of the story so far.

"You mean he really approached you?"

"Erm, yeah?" I said but it came out more like a question.


"He did." I confirmed.

"Do you know what this means?"

"That his dark clothes help him blend into the dark alleys, making him the perfect possible serial killer?"

"Yes, What! NO! What on earth have you been watching?" I shrugged.

"What it means is that you've bewitched him."

"What? I'm not a witch!"

"Yeah, then why are you dressed like one?"

I blinked. That didn't even fit.

"That sounded better in my head, anyway he's never talked to anyone, besides his soccer playing best friend Nick Everdeene, and no one's even heard them talk."

"Oh, that guy, he's really popular." I shrugged.

"Rumour has it that they grew up together so they stayed close. No one else has been able to get him to talk, he doesn't relate with anyone. You know the whole bad boy thing. He's even in a gang and he's......"

I tuned out once I saw who entered the cafeteria. It was Nick Everdeene, and Z was there too, right behind him. It was as if the whole room stopped moving.

Even Jade's chattering stopped. Nick smirked and sat down on the table at the far back. Z followed suit.

His eyes swept the room, assessing everyone's reaction, pausing when they met mine, and even though we were metres apart, I just knew he was that same humour dancing in his eyes, maybe he laughs with his eyes? One side of his lips even tipped up a little. Multiple gasps echoed in the room, as my cheeks heated. I sunk lower into my seat.

When Nick noticed the silence wasn't fading anytime soon, he got up and bellowed, "Stop staring like creeps and get back to your business!" And like magic, everyone started talking again.

"He looked at you!" Jade squealed.

"I know." I grimaced at her loud tone. "What's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal!?!?! Archer never eats in the cafeteria, he never smiles-"

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