Book summary

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On a cold winter night in Transylvania, a baby sleeps peacefully in her crib, dreaming about blissful things. The snow is falling slowly and steady thru the night. The werewolf king is watching his mate sleep while he watches the border of her land. The moon is full tonight, which means most of the werewolves are running until dusk. The king decided it was time to head back to the castle before someone notices he was gone.

He looks at his mate one more time before he runs off into the moonlight. He has no idea what's going to happen to his mate when he is gone. A powerful witch has been following after him for months, trying to figure out what has the king was so occupied at night. She used a cloaking spell so that he would not know she was behind him.

It took her a while to figure out why, but when she did, she came up with a master plan to destroy the savage king. She decides that the awful king shouldn't have a chance with his mate. She waited until the king left to kidnap the baby and mask the baby smell so the king could never find her again, but fate had unique plans. No one can ever change fate.

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