She is going to be the death of me

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My movements make the ground shake under the weight of my body. I run as fast as I can to her. Even my Lycan is starting to care for her, and he is a fucking monster. I sniff the air, but the blood is very faint, but my Lycan senses will follow it. I run a few more miles and the trail is gone. God damn it, what the fuck!

How does that even just vanish? I should still be able to smell at least something. It's harder when this girl has no smell to her, either. I wonder if the blood is from her wounds re opening or she is bleeding after we had sex.

This girl is going to get me killed one of these days. Why run away crying at night? She is asking for trouble. I guess I can blame myself as well, but why give her hope? My Mate is out there, and I fucked someone else. She has been gone for 17 years and I never entertained anyone else.

Even when they attempted to touch me, I would slap their hands away and they would become angry and storm off. Just because I fucked you once doesn't mean I give a fuck about you, but Elena is different.

She has read all my books about werewolves, but runs away on a full moon. Yes, I know she thinks we do not exist, but I thought she would at least think we did, so she would not do this. I am sure Katherine told her to stay out of the deep part of the woods. God, I hope some wolf does not find her before I do.

I use my Lycan hearing to see if I can hear her, and I can hear a faint cry in the distance. I figured she would be crying. Good job, Eric made her cry once again. Why would she have feelings for someone like me? Am I catching feelings for her as well?

I run in my wolf's form so that way I can get to her faster. Fuck, I can hear howling nearby. They must have heard her cry and they probably thinking it's a cry for help. I have a Lycan and a wolf form. I only use my wolf's form during my runs by myself. I like to use my Lycan side better since my sense are better.

I spot her sitting by the lake and huddle up like a baby. I watch her from the wood line until I could not stand seeing her like that anymore. I release my scent out so that way the male wolves will leave this place alone until I go back to the castle.

I change back into my human form and find some random person's clothes. Don't think she wants to see me naked again. I walk towards her and pick her up and sit her on my lap. What do I do now? I am clueless about how to go about this. She doesn't even move, she just keeps crying and pulls on my shirt, sobbing. I rub her back and she relaxes a little. Before I could speak, she beat me to it.

''Daddy, I'm sorry I have been causing problems since we have been here. I feel in love with a monster. What do I do daddy, he even doesn't even want me.''

Daddy? My dick just got hard. What the fuck! Hades, you perverted fucker. Why would she think I am her father, were in an intimate position? Wait, what? She fell in love with me after what had just happen a few hours ago. I am in some deep shit now. That wasn't supposed to happen. She can't love me. I am definitely going to get killed by James.

''Elena, look at me.''

She becomes stiff and pushes her hands on my chest to push me away, but I am not having that. She looks up at me and all the blood drains from her face, knowing what she just said to me. I put a piece of her hair behind her ear, and she blushes at my action. I just realized how beautiful she really is. Those freckles on her face are sexy as hell.

''How did you find me?''

Shit, what do I say about that?

''You were crying and the blood trail you left?''

''Blood?, what blood? I am not bleeding.''

I look down and her deep wounds are almost healed. What in the fuck is going on?

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